- Big or small, we groom them all, cats too!
- Bathing
- Brushing
- Blow Drying
- Coat Brushing
- Dematting
- Flea Dip
- Medicated Bath
- Nail Trimming
- Nail Filing
- Nail Grinding
- Teeth Brushing
- Ear Cleaning
- Ear Hair Trimmed
- Ear Hair Plucked
- Specialty Shampoos
- Clipper Cuts
- Hand Scissoring
- Cologne
- Breed Appropriate Styling
- The Barking Lot has been serving Richmond metro pet's grooming needs since 1990.
- Voted "editor's pick" for best grooming establishment in "Richmond Magazine" for 2010.
- The owner, Steve, has been grooming pets, in Richmond, since 1972.He and his helpful staff are able to answer all of your pet grooming questions.
- Give us a call today! You can email us, too!
- The Barking Lot is accredited as a reliable, locally owned, independent business by the Better Business Bureau. We have an A+ rating!