- The Ftd Deep Emotions Rose Bouquet By Bhg$34.99the ftd deep emotions rose bouquet showers your special recipient with affection and admiration in sun-crushed hues. deep fuchsia roses and spray roses share the spotlight with bright orange roses, green hypericum berries and lily grass blades gorgeously arranged in a clear glass vase. fresh and eye-catching with extraordinary color, this bouquet will evoke warm feelings with its undeniable charm.
- The Ftd Stunning Beautyt Bouquet$62.99this elegant vased arrangement will catch their eye with its array of red roses, pink lilies, purple irises, purple aster and more.
- The Ftd Red Rose Bouquet$74.99the ftd red rose bouquet offers a symbol of lasting love and undying affection in this time of grief and loss. rich red roses are perfectly arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic clear glass vase to create a bouquet that expresses your most heartfelt sympathies.
- The Ftd Graceful Grandeurt Bouquet$112.99sunny and soothing, 24 graceful yellow long stem roses are arranged with greens in a clear glass vase. sunny enough for a celebration, but soothing enough for a get well or sympathy gift.
- The Ftd One Dozen Boxed Roses$30.99a traditional presentation for roses, this dozen stems in a rose box is the perfect gift to send any time of year. available in red, pink, yellow, white or peach.
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