- Arthritis
- Medical Weight LossFor many years in my private practice I have used the viscosupplement brand Synvisc with excellent results for many individuals. I have found that patients have responded to Synvisc and comfortably get more active, begin an exercise and weight loss program and improve their overall knee function. Many have been able to delay or totally avoid knee replacement surgery. The treatment is well tolerated and involves 3 office visits (spaced one week apart) for the Synvisc injections. Synvisc does not interfere with any medications or other treatments you might be receiving.
- Primary CareThere are many new “rules” for both the physician and patient that are dictated by the insurance carriers that can, at times, be a source of inconvenience and frustration. We don’t make these rules but must follow them. If you are enrolled in an HMO, you will usually need a referral from your primary care physician before being seen. Many HMO’s do not allow us to take X-Rays in our office, so you may need to obtain them before your visit, thru your primary care physician. Our office staff can usually help you navigate these insurance issues. Our goal is to make your office visit as easy and convenient as possible.
- Family Practice
- Emergency CareIf you have an emergency after hours, our regular office phone number will connect you with the answering service. The answering service will contact the doctor on call, who will return your call as soon as possible. If it is a true emergency, we recommend that you dial 911 and/or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. Please do not call after regular hours to make, reschedule or cancel an appointment or to discuss prescriptions, insurance, or non-urgent questions. Calls after regular business hours should be on an emergency basis only.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeTo learn more about Physical Therapy including sports injuries, rehabilitation, prevention and even careers as a physical therapist, check out the APTA Website. Protocols are standard sets of exercises and other treatments that are specific for each diagnosis. We will soon be adding sample rehab protocols for a wide variety of conditions from tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome to knee ligament injuries and back pain.
- MRIPlease bring pertinent X-rays, MRI and lab work (if done). With X-rays and MRI, please do not have the films sent or mailed to us (they never seem to arrive). Rather, you will need to go to the facility where they were taken and pick them up. Please check that the correct films are in the folder and that they are actually your films (mistakes do happen and this will save you a second trip). Also it is very important for you to have the reports of your X-rays and MRI sent to us. They can be FAX’d to us at 610.449.9814 or you can bring the reports, along with the films, to your visit. If the studies are over 5 years old, then they are less likely to help us and you don’t need to get them. If you have had prior surgery then we will need your op report which can be obtained from your surgeon or sometimes from the hospital or surgi-center where your surgery took place. Records from prior treating physicians are also helpful.
- Radiology
- OrthopedicsHe is in private practice in Havertown, PA with Premier Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Dr. DiNubile has been chosen, for over 3 decades in “Best Doctors in America” as well as Philadelphia Magazine’s “Top Doctors” He is also featured in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons.” He has advised 2 U.S. Presidents on matters of health & wellness.
- Sciatica7b. Did you ever have any significant musculoskeletal problems (such as knee pain, back pain, sciatica) during or after pregnancy?
- ArthroscopyThere are a wide variety of surgical procedures that involve the knee joint from traditional open procedures to minimally invasive surgical procedures like arthroscopy that use special miniaturized instruments placed through tiny incisions. Even surgeries like knee replacements are being done through smaller and smaller MIS incisions with quicker recovery. Some of the more common knee surgical procedures involve the following...
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- ArthroscopyIf you have had or are planning to have knee arthroscopy, these are the standard instructions you will need to follow. Please take a moment to review this information.
- Hip ReplacementDr. Nick was recently featured internationally in REUTERS News regarding Tiger Wood’s serious injuries, the NY TIMES on Knee & Hip replacement innovations, and in the WASHINGTON POST on both prevention of ankle sprains and also knee regeneration technologies.
- Knee ReplacementI am a 45 year old ex-jock who badly injured my knee playing high school football. I have had it scoped several times for cartilage tears and “cleanouts” but I am now told that my x-rays show moderate arthritis. I’ve tried cortisone shots. I’ve been avoiding activities and sports and have gained considerable weight. They say I am too young for a knee replacement. What can I do? Are there any other options?
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Sports MedicineCheck out Dr. Nick’s HuffPost blog on Rebuilding & Regenerating Damaged Knees. And also his past HuffPost blogs on a wide variety of health, fitness, wellness & sports medicine topics.
- Physical TherapyThroughout the nation there are many excellent physical therapy sites that can assist you when physical therapy and rehabilitation is needed. NovaCare is a rehabilitation company with a national network of first class facilities with highly skilled, experienced physical therapist. For years NovaCare has helped many of my patients from all over the region and country. Click here to find a site near you.
- Tennis Elbow
- Ankle SprainQuite often after an injury or surgery, athletes and active individuals do not return to their preinjury or presurgical level of functioning. In my experience, this is not because the injury has not healed, or that the surgery was not done properly but usually because the athlete has not maximized their rehabilitation effort. This is so common that we call it “Incomplete Rehabilitation Syndrome”. What is usually needed is a good course of physical therapy and rehabilitation and should include not only the injured or recovering body part but also a close look at the entire body to assure that other areas have not gotten into difficulty during the down time (or perhaps were not up to par even prior to the injury). For example, after a serious ankle sprain or knee injury the athlete may have also gotten out of shape from a cardiovascular and strength standpoint. Or after certain knee injuries, weakness can be identified in the pelvis, hip and calf area. Those of us who work with professional and Olympic caliber athletes know that there are creative ways to safely keep an athletes fit while their injury heals.
- Back Pain
- Achilles TendonitisInjuries also can occur as a result of repetitive microtrauma. These are the chronic overuse type injuries. These are much more common in dance and make up the majority of the injuries seen. They are often subtle and related to improper dance technique. Treatment should not focus only on the injury but should involve an evaluation of the dancers biomechanics and technique. Examples in this category include any types of tendonitis, bursitis, chronic ligament strain, and stress fractures. Also an acute injury can occur superimposed on a chronic overuse injury. An example of this would include a chronic achilles tendonitis which then ruptures acutely. Possible reasons for the chronic overuse injuries must be assessed.
- Ankle Sprain