- Auto InsuranceTo properly protect yourself from the always present danger of huge awards for auto liability, it is imperative that you maintain the proper level of coverage for your particular situation. The right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or other unexpected event.
- Motorcycle InsuranceThough not, typically, as expensive as cars, motorcycles still are a large investment and should be protected by insurance, particularly when money has been borrowed in order to buy them. Below are typical coverages found in motorcycle insurance policies: Collision coverage –This covers damage to your own vehicle that happens when your vehicle runs into another object, such as other vehicles, trees, light poles, mountains, etc.
- RV InsuranceRecreational Vehicle insurance can protect your motorhome, travel trailer, camper and even your horse trailer. Let Towne Insurance help you select the right coverage for your RV needs and get a great price at the same time.
- Snowmobile Insurance
- Golf Cart Insurance
- Dune Buggy Insurance
- Renters InsuranceRenters Insurance Whether you’re starting out, between homes or downsizing, Towne Insurance will help you pick the renters insurance coverage that best fits your needs. You have a lot of things that are important to you – from your clothes and furniture to your electronics, sports gear, and computer. And you want to feel confident that everything you’ve worked for is not at risk.
- Home InsuranceTowne Insurance can help you find the home insurance that will best meet your needs and provide the most valuable combination of tailored coverage, quality service and fair pricing.
- Condo InsuranceMaking sure that your condo unit is properly covered begins with a thorough reading of your condo documents (i.e., by-laws, provisions, regulations, HOA agreement, etc.). Be sure to consult your condo documents to determine what the Association policy covers and what you are responsible for, paying close attention to items such as...
- Landlord InsuranceLandlord Protection As a landlord, you want insurance that is tailored specifically to protect your rental properties. Rental property is a great investment, especially if you protect your assets with excellent coverage.
- Life InsuranceYou work hard your entire life to build an estate for your family and leave a legacy for future generations. With a shifting tax landscape, it is important to have a well-planned and structured life insurance policy to ensure your life’s work doesn’t go to anyone but those you designate. Having the right life insurance is pivotal in planning for the future of you and your loved ones. Life insurance can help you fulfill promises you’ve made your family when you are gone.
- Health InsuranceAs a one-stop-solution for insurance, we offer the expertise of individual health insurance advisors to assist you with managing your individual health and wellness solutions.
- Disability InsuranceA Disability Income insurance policy protects the most valuable economic asset an individual posses and the asset that makes everything possible- your ability to work and earn an income in your occupation.
- Long Term CareMost Americans are living healthier longer lives thanks to advancements in preventative care. A Long Term Care policy covers any or all of the following types of services...
- Business InsuranceYou don't have time to become an expert in business insurance. That’s where Towne Insurance can help. Read More
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- AnnuitiesAn annuity can be a helpful tool to help you plan for financial growth and maintain a stable income. Annuities are most often bought for retirement income. In exchange for your payment of a premium, the insurer gives you a financial contract promising to make a series of periodic benefit payments at regular intervals. These payments generally begin once you retire or pass age 59 1/2.
- Liability InsuranceMany landlords supplement their coverage with personal umbrella liability insurance for broader protection. Contact us today about the amount of coverage that’s right for you.
- Flood InsuranceIf you live in a high risk flood area, you may be required to have Flood Insurance. If you do not, we still might strongly recommend it.