- Divorce
- Child SupportChapter 7 Bankruptcy can discharge most types of debts with the exceptions of student loans and child support payments. In most cases you are able to keep your house and vehicles.
- Child Custody and Visitation
- Wrongful Death
- Workers Compensation
- Personal InjuryHire an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer with a proven history of winning the most possible for injuries and damages.
- Auto Accidents
- Slip and Fall InjurySlip and Fall injuries are unpredictable and sometimes near fatal. Whether at work or in public, reach out to Southern Legal Clinics and our Personal Injury Lawyers can maximize your personal injury claim.
- Estate PlanningMy name is H. Patrick Rooney. With over 27 years of experience in Estate Planning law, I’ve been a guest speaker for several local companies and national organizations to discuss the importance of Estate Planning for Louisiana families. Our firm is a family first law firm. We work together as a family and consider our clients to be an extension of that family. As both an attorney and a partner, I take great pride in providing personal attention to every single client.
- WillsLiving Wills (Notarial or Statutory Wills, Attestation clause language, Olographic, Forced Heirship, multiple marriages, age of children: 23 & younger vs. 24 & older, separate property of a spouse, & mental/physical handicaps).
- Power of AttorneyPowers of Attorney. Collectively, our partners have over 100 years of combined legal experience; as a firm we’ve helped the Louisiana community for over 40 years. Throughout that time, we have worked diligently and earned a professional reputation of maintaining open communication, confidentiality & comfortable long-term attorney-client relationships. For a free consultation regarding legal matters of estate, contact us by submitting a message at the bottom of this page or by calling any of our 7 office locations (listed on our contact page).
- Probate
- BankruptcyChapter 13 Bankruptcy is also called a “wage-earner bankruptcy” because it involves a debt repayment plan. It can be used to stop foreclosures and repossessions. If you have regular income, then a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can work out a payment plan over a longer period of time to pay all or part of your debts.
- Foreclosure