- Community AcupunctureSliding Scale: $20.00Acupuncture is a Chinese Medical treatment that enlivens the body's ability to restore wholeness through stimulating various points along the body's energy channels with the insertion of small needles. Acupuncture is effective in treating a wide range of ailments including pain, arthritis, allergies, chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, infertility and much more. In China, traditionally, acupuncture was performed in a "community" setting, with patients sitting together in a large room. We follow this model with a number of comfortable reclining seats because it allows us to keep cost down and lets the patients remain fully clothed.
- Private AcupunctureSliding Scale: $60.00Candy uses 5-Element acupuncture in the private room, where she can spend more personal time with patients. Some patients are more comfortable in a "doctor's visit" type of interaction. She can see you in our private room in order to accommodate these needs.
- Massage30 Minute: $40.0060 Minute: $70.00This is done in the private room, 15 minutes can be added to a private acupuncture treatment for $15. The type of massage done is a mixture of Swedish and Deep Tissue. A wide variety of pressures, movements, and techniques are used to help the muscles and other soft tissues to relax and give you relief.
- Psychotherapy$50.00Initial Appointment: $75.00Psychotherapy can be helpful for many different mental, emotional, and behavioral issues. Dr. Tara specializes in anxiety, PTSD and mood disorders. She also specializes in relationship issues, co-parenting and sexuality issues. She counsels individual clients over the age of thirteen, couples, and families. She does take Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Highmark, APS Healthcare, Anthem, and Magellan Behavioral Health Insurances.
- Reiki/Energy HealingAn Hour Sliding Scale: $40.00Reiki and Energy healing promotes healing by enhancing energy flow and correcting disturbances in the "human energy field" or "aura" which permeates and surrounds the body. Everything is made up of energy. Improving the flow of energy in the energy field supports the self-healing capacity of the body. It complements and supports other methods of healing, because it addresses the energy of which the body, mind and emotions are composed. It is done in the private room and you remain fully dressed.
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