- Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet$32.95yellow roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with white daisy spray chrysanthemums and oregonia are delivered in the one and only be happy mug.
- How Sweet It Is$34.95light orange roses, orange spray roses, hot pink carnations and matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. be sweet and send this one today!
- Make A Wish$35.00yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations, orange carnations and alstroemeria - accented with bupleurum - are delivered in a miniature ginger vase adorned with a plaid yellow ribbon.
- Pretty Please$35.00a mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, monte cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender - is delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon.
- Teleflora's Bear Hug Bear With Pink Roses$35.00send teleflora's adorable little bear with enchanting flowers, and someone special will think you're just as sweet as can be.roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and asters arrive in a glass vase with a teleflora keepsake bear.
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