- FibromyalgiaAre you suffering from fibromyalgia in Cary? Fibromyalgia, a contemporary diagnosis describing chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue, was first introduced in 1976. Since its introduction, it has been estimated that 2-6% of the United population has been designated with this diagnosis. Of the 2-6% of people diagnosed, women are affected at significantly higher rates than men. It has even been estimated that as high as 85% of people suffering from fibromyalgia are woman. Some proposed theories for why woman are affected at such higher rates than men have included differences in hormones and possible genetic differences that are present at birth.
- Plantar FasciitisDo you have plantar fasciitis in Cary ? When the band that connects your calcaneus (heel bone) to the toes, the plantar fascia, becomes inflamed it can cause a lot of pain. Plantar fasciitis is most prevalent in runners, obese/overweight individuals, pregnant women, as well as people that wear improper shoes with little to no support. Other likely causes and/or contributing factors may be too much standing, vitamin c deficiency, and a sudden change to increased activity.
- CryotherapyStatistically, significant improvement was noted for 93% of the 28 patients studied in the Woodward study while under chiropractic care. In the research study chiropractic care consisted of spinal manipulation, PNF, and cryotherapy. Many of the patients were treated prior to the study with NSAIDS, soft colors, and physiotherapy.
- Medical Weight LossHow many fat Olympic athletes have you seen? Not many, right? At Alpha Weight Loss in Cary NC, we focus on the nutrition component of weight loss through our multiple different diet plans that we have to choose from.
- RheumatologyTo understand how the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made, it is important to first understand how the body is divided by medical practitioners. Typically the body is viewed as four different sections, the left and right sides and above and below the belt line. The American College of Rheumatology has determined that only people who have discomfort in each of these four areas can be classified as having the condition. In addition, the pain is typically present for more than 3-4 months. This institute has also identified 18 different trigger points throughout the body and people suffering from fibromyalgia must have pain in at least 11 of them.
- Nutritional CounselingMost people searching for nutrition services in Cary have trouble finding a program that works for them. After all, it's not easy to escape the sugar and carbohydrates present in many food products that populate the shelves of grocery stores. However, the notoriety that some macronutrients have is largely undeserved. In reality, carbohydrates are necessary for your continued health. The real challenge is deciphering the food labels and figuring out which carbs are right for you.
- Primary CareMost patients don't realize how much education chiropractors in Cary have. Chiropractors are held to some of the most intense educational standards of any health field. In fact their education standards are very comparable to that of a medical doctor. After completing a strong emphasis of basic sciences in college, chiropractors attend a four year chiropractic college. This means that chiropractors are primary care physicians. In other words you don't have to have a referral to see a chiropractor.
- Emergency CareEmergency room doctors say that sciatica is one of the most common things they encounter each year in Cary. While there are large numbers of people that have this issue, many never achieve a long-term solution. Their sciatic pain continues to worsen because they have not received the correct treatment. This article from Alpha Health Center will help you to understand the ins and outs of this condition and how chiropractic care in Cary can help you overcome it.
- Constipation
- ImmunizationsProof of Immunization. We will disclose proof of immunization to a school that is required to have it before admitting a student where you have agreed to the disclosure on behalf of yourself or your dependent.
- PregnancyChiropractic care is just one of the many safe and effective treatments that can help prepare the mother’s body for the experience of pregnancy and childbirth. There are specialized adjustment methods to accommodate pregnancy. Many of the women that choose to receive chiropractic care during their pregnancy find that it helped them use little to no pain medications throughout their delivery. There are also studies finding that receiving regular care can help reduce labor time.
- Labor and Delivery
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeDid you know that just as nerves become pinched in your back by the bones in your spine, the bones in your wrist may also compress nearby nerves giving rise to the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome? While many people seek treatment through surgical means, our Cary chiropractor at Alpha Health Center has had success in treating carpel tunnel syndrome through non-invasive adjustments to the bones of the wrist.
- Depression
- Mental HealthPeople who have suffered from diabetes for a long period of time typically have higher blood sugar levels than someone without the disease. Similar to how sugar is bad for your teeth, abnormally high blood sugar levels also cause damage to the blood vessels which give nourishment to your nerves. As the blood vessels and nerves are damaged, so are the structures that depend on them. For example, people suffering from diabetic neuropathy often have a long list of complications including; skin disorders, high blood pressure, stomach issues, kidney disease, vision problem, and mental health disorders. It is important to understand that diabetic neuropathy only effects our peripheral nervous system, meaning the nerves outside of our brain and spinal cord. Therefore, these nerves are the ones responsible for supplying all the structures related to our legs, arms, organs, and even eyes.
- Insomnia
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- MRIOne of the most common and painful causes of back pain in Cary is a disc bulge or herniation. It is important to recognize that not all disc bulges or herniations result in pain. It has been found through MRI studies of numerous patients that as much as 37% of the American population has a disc bulge or herniation and the vast majority of them are experiencing no pain or other related symptoms. Unfortunately, the people who are experiencing pain often describe it as severe and intense. The type of pain that is experienced due to a disc herniation depends on the type and position of the herniation. If the damaged disc is irritating a surrounding nerve, shooting pain and weakness into the legs may develop. The discomfort is often described as stabbing and lightning-like. To understand how a disc herniation develops, it is best to think of the disc as a jelly doughnut. If the outer edges of the doughnut (disc) are damaged over time, most typically from wear and tear, the jelly in the middle of the disc can escape causing damage to surrounding structures. Once this process has completed it is often very difficult to reverse. However, chiropractic care has been shown to prevent the advancement of the herniation and provide relief from the associated pain.
- X-Rays
- ChemotherapyThere may be over one hundred causes, but I will just list the top 5 most common: diabetes, chemotherapy, spinal stenosis/failed back surgery/pinched nerve, statin drug consumption, and alcoholism.
- SciaticaMany people wonder what sciatica feels like? Patients often describe the pain of sciatica as a slight discomfort to the most extreme unbearable pain. Sciatic pain can show up in different areas of the leg and foot, and many times the pain will come and go. Over years of time people tend to go through periods of pain that typically intensify as the problem goes unchecked.
- WhiplashCar accident injury has many symptoms, you may experience sudden and unexpected pain weeks or even months after the accident. Even if you were lucky enough to walk away with just a few scrapes and bruises, damage to your spinal column may not become evident until long after the car accident occurred. If not properly diagnosed and treated, a herniated disc or neck/back pain from whiplash can cause serious, chronic pain, and prevent you from leading a full, active life. This article is here to help you understand how chiropractors help car accident patients in Cary. We hope it helps you to avoid the long term problems we so often see.
- Pinched Nerve
- UlcerSubluxations are one of the most commonly overlooked contributors to back pain. Subluxation is a medical term used to basically describe a vertebra in our spine that is out of position. When these subluxations occur, normal movement is disrupted, and a cascade of events (including pain) can occur. Subluxations can occur anywhere in the spine and there are almost an unlimited amount of factors that can cause them. Causes of subluxations range from physical trauma, stress, and toxins. Just as stress can contribute to the formation of an ulcer in the gut, it can also cause physiological changes in the body that result in the vertebrae in our back becoming out of position. The time frame to correct subluxations varies by the individual, but our chiropractors at Alpha Health Center are one of the few professionals trained in their correction.
- Physical TherapyIf you have a misaligned joint it is vital that you are working with a chiropractor. Many patients never make it that far which is unfortunate. Their employer sets them up for a medical visit and they end up in physical therapy. Physical therapy is sometimes necessary, but physical therapists are not trained to correct misaligned joints. This leaves many patients struggling to recover properly.
- Slipped DiscHave you been told that you have a slipped disc or a disc injury in Cary? They can vary from slight to severe, but most require the attention of a trained chiropractor. Our Cary chiropractic clinic  can help you understand your condition and help you develop the best treatment option for you.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Orthotics and Prosthetic Therapy
- Heel SpursLikelihood of developing this condition increases between the ages of 40 to 70. Someone suffering from plantar fasciitis may experience stabbing pain in the heel and it generally is worse first thing in the morning with the first few steps of the day. The pain often reduces with continued walking, and it is not common to experience planar fasciitis in both feet simultaneously. If left untreated, a heel spur may occur.
- Plantar FasciitisPlantar fasciitis can be treated with soft tissue work. The goal is to restore full range of motion in the different joints of the ankle and foot while minimizing stress to the plantar fascia. It is also common to work on the muscles of the calf to improve flexibility.