- Dental CareTLC Animal Hospital is pleased to be able to provide excellent routine dental care. Our veterinary technicians are strong advocates of the benefits of routine health care and enjoy educating clients regarding this very important topic.
- VaccinationA cat's air of independence does not mean that it can take care of all its own needs. Cat owners have important responsibilities such as providing food and water, social interaction, and changing the litter box regularly. Remember, cats have only one life, not nine! To prevent life-threatening diseases and enjoy a healthy life, your cat will require regular veterinary medical checkups and vaccinations as well. Ask your veterinarian about the common signs of feline illness.
- Behavioral CounselingYou should make sure that you are purchasing a healthy bunny. It is best to select a young bunny. He should have clear eyes and a nose free of any mucus. The bunny should be curious and friendly. Check to see the bunny has been spayed or neutered. Most are breeders and pet stores do not alter their pets. You will want to have your new friend spayed or neutered between 4 and 6 months age. An altered pet will reduce the risk of that famous bunny reproduction and will prevent certain health and behavioral problems. In the United States, bunnies do not typically require vaccines, but be sure to check with your veterinarian to confirm the protocol in your area. Bunnies do, however, require vaccines in the United Kingdom. They always need annual check ups and fecal tests for parasites.
- Nutritional CounselingHookworms are small, thread-like parasites of the small intestine where they attach and suck large amounts of blood. These parasites are found in almost all parts of the world, being common in dogs, and occasionally seen in cats. Symptoms are usually diarrhea and weight loss. The parasites can actually Read more
- Parasites Treatment and ControlEntire volumes have been written regarding this topic. In a nutshell, TLC believes in an integrated approach to preventative medicine that is tailored to the individual pet. Vaccine programs, regular deworming, flea and tick control, heartworm prevention, nutritional information beyond the “feed this brand of food”, dental education, ear care education, exercise recommendations and basic behavioral information are all part of TLC’s approach to this aspect of pet care…and we start talking about these things from your first visit to your last. Regular bloodwork to detect problems sooner rather than later and regular dental cleanings to remove tartar before tooth rot sets in and becomes only manageable not correctable, are just two examples of procedures we discuss to maintain the highest quality of life for our pets and their families. We also discuss breed related characteristics with each family and we encourage people interested in purchasing a new pet to call us with any questions before they buy! Many an unhappy marriage between pet and family can be avoided if people have a better understanding of the breed they are buying and whether it fits their family lifestyle/expectations!
- Behavioral Disorder TreatmentYou will need to take your ferret in to your veterinarian twice a year for a medical checkup and yearly vaccinations. Ferrets require yearly inoculations against canine distemper. They are highly susceptible to canine distemper and it is always fatal. Do not forget to inoculate against this every year! Read more
- Pain Management
- Vomiting Treatment
- Diarrhea Treatment
- Skin Condition and Allergy Treatment
- Injury Treatment
- Leptospirosis Treatment
- Parvovirus Infection TreatmentThe Parvovirus is known worldwide and causes disease in many different species of animals. Different strains of virus only infect certain types of animals. For example, the Canine Parvovirus (Parvo) will mainly infect dogs and does not cause disease in cats or humans. Feline Parvovirus, a different strain Read more
- Bacterial and Viral Infection TreatmentRabies is a fatal viral infection that is transmitted primarily through bite wounds. Skunks, bats, raccoons, and foxes are the primary carriers. Rabies is also fatal to humans, there has been only one case of a person surviving rabies when treatment was started after clinical signs were present. Puppies Read more
- Anal Gland Infection Treatment
- Arthritis TreatmentThe most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis which can be due to wear and tear on joints from over use, aging, injury, or from an unstable joint such as which occurs with a ruptured ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) in the knee. The chronic form of this disease is called degenerative joint disease Read more
- Hip Dysplasia TreatmentHip dysplasia is a congenital disease that, in its more severe form, can eventually cause lameness and painful arthritis of the joints. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It can be found in many animals and, rarely, humans, but is common in many dog breeds, particularly Read more
- Diabetes TreatmentDiabetes Mellitus (DM) is a life long disorder of dogs and cats that results when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to meet the animal's needs. Insulin is a hormone needed to transport glucose (blood sugar) into the body's cells. When there is a lack of insulin in the body, blood glucose rises Read more
- Vestibular Disease Treatment
- Thyroid Disease TreatmentHypothyroidism is the natural deficiency of thyroid hormone and is the most common hormone imbalance of dogs. This deficiency is produced by several different mechanisms. The most common cause (at least 95% of cases) is immune destruction of the thyroid gland. It can also be caused by natural atrophy Read more
- Epilepsy Treatment
- Knee Problems TreatmentLuxating patella is a condition where the kneecap (patella) moves out of its normal position. Luxating patella is one of the most common knee joint abnormalities of dogs, but it is only occasionally seen in cats. It may affect one or both of the knees. In some cases it moves (luxates) towards the inside Read more
- Periodontal Disease TreatmentOver 85% of dogs and cats have some type of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease simply means that the gums and bone that hold the teeth in place are being destroyed by oral bacteria. This preventable disease is the number one diagnosed disease in our pets, yet many animals suffer needlessly. Periodontal Read more
- Cancer Treatment
- Seizure TreatmentEpilepsy (often referred to as a seizure disorder) is a chronic neurological condition characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. It is commonly controlled with medication, although surgical methods are used as well. Epileptic seizures are classified both by their patterns of activity in the brain Read more
- Wound and Fracture CareLeptospirosis is a serious, life-threatening disease caused by a spiral shaped bacteria. Dogs, cats, other animals and even people can be infected through exposure to urine, bite wounds, ingestion of infected flesh, or contact with contaminated soil, water and even bedding. Certain environmental conditions Read more
- Veterinary SurgeryFerret ownership. This includes knowledge pertaining to ferret husbandry (care, nutrition, housing, and the species' habits). It is also recommended that no ferret be left unattended with any individual incapable of removing himself or herself from the ferret. It is also important that your ferret have proper care by a veterinarian legally authorized to practice veterinary medicine. This includes preventive medicine and medical or surgical care.
- Laser SurgeryRadiosurgery is often compared to laser surgery. While both will numb nerve endings and stop bleeding as they cut, radiosurgery offers distinct advantages. Radiosurgery causes less tissue damage than a scalpel blade or laser. Faster post-operative tissue healing with less discomfort is the result. Our radiosurgery unit can also be fine tuned to the particular surgery being performed.
- Declawing
- Spaying and NeuteringTLC Animal Hospital is committed to spaying and neutering companion animals as appropriate. We are also committed to providing these procedures in as safe and pain free manner as possible. We firmly believe that all surgery is uncomfortable and we offer a variety of high quality pain medications for pets. We offer spaying and neutering for dogs and cats. Please call with any questions regarding these procedures. Spaying and neutering is responsible pet ownership!
- Laboratory ServicesAccess to timely laboratory results including complete blood counts (CBC) and chemistry panels is critical to providing quality veterinary care in a timely manner. Blood screens before surgery can detect underlying problems that could create problems with anesthesia. Sick pets can often have their problem diagnosed more quickly and treatment plans can be tailored to the individual case resulting in better care when in house laboratory is available. Please ask about all the laboratory testing TLC can offer you; both in house and via reference laboratories!
- X-RayThis technology allows us to acquire images of your pet that far surpass traditional film systems in quality. Additionally, the technology allows us to manipulate the images in many different ways, including magnification, which enhances our doctors’ diagnostic skills. Last, but not least, the system is much faster than traditional x-ray systems and thereby reduces pet stress and anxiety.
- Microchipping
- GroomingHamsters are cute and adorable. If you had one growing up, your parents probably took care of it. Taking care of them can be challenging; however, once you master the art, it becomes more manageable by the day. Here is how you can take care of your pet hamster. Bathing and Grooming Hamsters always stay Read more
- Senior Pet Care