- Dental CareWe are proud to offer equine dentistry and provide care for your horse’s entire oral cavity. A horse’s teeth and jaw function are vital to their overall well being, so dental care is an important part of your horse’s health.
- VaccinationSince horses have different vaccination needs, depending on where they live, if they travel, and what they do, we recommend discussing your horse’s vaccination schedule with us. Together we can start a schedule that will work for you and your new horse.
- Nutritional CounselingAt The Farm Mobile Veterinary Service offers nutritional counseling for pet owners of and surrounding communities. If you have any questions about your pet’s diet or would like more information about your pet’s nutritional needs, please contact us today. We can set up a nutrition plan for your pet.
- Comprehensive ExaminationAt At The Farm Mobile Veterinary Service in, we believe that regular checkups and wellness exams are critical to your pets’ well-being. These wellness exams give us a chance to evaluate the overall health of your pet while also giving us a baseline for their unique bodies and tendencies.
- Pain ManagementPets that are in pain are miserable. For this reason, we will do whatever we can to keep your pets comfortable.
- Laboratory ServicesYou will always need a health certificate and proof of vaccination. You may also need a microchip and blood tests. Many countries require that your pet get treated for parasites prior to travel. You may also need certificates for the airplane ride.
- MicrochippingAt At The Farm Mobile Veterinary Service, we are happy to offer microchipping. Every year, thousands and thousands of pets go missing. Not knowing where your pet is or how to bring them back can be a helpless, hopeless feeling. It’s a tragedy that happens all too often.