- Osteoporosis
- ArthritisIn this post I will discuss the effectiveness of stem cell treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. I will explain how this treatment works, and I will also explain how you can access this treatment through our center.
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Medical Weight LossNew research has shown that a type of weight-loss surgery called Roux-en-Y which removes a large part of the stomach resulted in dramatic increases in deaths from alcohol and drugs. This appears to relate to the fact that the body processes drugs and alcohol differently after these surgeries rendering them more lethal.
- Nutritional Counseling
- Primary CareMedical diagnosis is always the product of evidence from the history, physical exam, and diagnostic tests. We will go through each of these in turn. It should be pointed out that the diagnosis of ACL tear is difficult and tears are often missed in emergency rooms, by primary care practitioners and even by orthopaedic surgeons.
- Family PracticeFor some patients with arthritis, treatment is provided in our Glenview Il. office or in our Naples fl. office However for severe arthritis and autoimmune diseases treatment is offered in Nassau Florida at the state of the art Family Medicine Center. In 2021 we will also be offering stem cell treatment on the Greek Island of Cyprus.
- Erectile Dysfunction
- GlaucomaWe are committed to publishing results from our data base and at this writing our preparing a paper for publication on our results with shoulder arthritis. We believe that biologics such as Stem cell treatment and PRP derived from your own tissues represent the future of medicine. This technology is producing amazing results in the treatment of MS, ALS, Glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, cancer, and much more.
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiet soda but not regular soda with sugar doubles the incidence of diabetic retinopathy which can lead to blindness. MORE CHEMICALS MORE DISEASE...
- UltrasoundHow Injections Are Performed: The area to be injected is numbed superficially with lidocaine. The deeper area, either tendon or the joint, does not have lidocaine injected because there is evidence lidocaine can inhibit efficacy of the injection. Ultrasound is used to guide the injection. Injection of the joint usually produces very little discomfort. Injection of tendon can produce more discomfort.
- MRIPoster: "MRI Measurement of the Contralateral Normal Meniscus is a Better Method of Determining Meniscal Allograft Size than Measurement of the Recipient Tibial Plateau"
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- ChemotherapyInfra-red lights effectively used to eliminate #cancer in humans without #chemotherapy or surgery! We are heavily involved in laser and light therapy for orthopaedics but a fascinating article released last month from the US national cancer institute now shows...
- ArthroscopyProdromos CC, Han Y, Rogowski J, Joyce B, Shi K. A Meta-Analysis of the Incidence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears As a Function of Gender, Sport, and a Knee Injury-Reduction Regimen. Arthroscopy, Dec 2007; 23(12):1320-1325.
- Joint ReplacementWe inject PRP into arthritic joints as an alternative to total joint replacement or arthroscopic surgery; and into damaged tendons instead of destructive cortisone, toxic medicines or surgery.
- Bunions
- ArthroscopyArthroscopy and ACL reconstruction of the knee and rotator cuff and labrum repair of the shoulder are the most common. But any procedure Dr Prodromos performs can be accommodated.
- Knee ReplacementUp to a third of total knee replacement (TKR) patients have continued pain and up to 20% are outright dissatisfied. The incidence of knee replacements doubled...
- Reconstructive SurgerySurgical Reconstruction: Surgery can be carried out with minimal risk if certain principles are followed. If the growth plate is drilled across carefully and if no fixation crosses the growth plate and if a soft tissue and not a bony graft is used studies have shown virtually complete safety. There is also a specific technique that does not cross the growth plate at all providing an even greater measure of security. In either case the surgery is more difficult than conventional ACL surgery and must be carried out by an experienced ACL surgeon. We believe that it is safer for the child to have appropriate reconstructive surgery within the first few months after injury than to risk cartilage damage and degeneration by postponing surgery for a prolonged period.
- Eczema
- LesionsLabral Repair alone without biceps tendon sacrifice by tenodesis or tenotomy provides good results in the treatment of type II SLAP tears of the shoulder (invited paper for the Open Orthopaedics Journal for which Dr Prodromos was invited to be a guest editor of a themed edition devoted to controversies in the treatment of SLAP lesions)
- Psoriasis
- Sports MedicineIllinois Sports Medicine is internationally recognized for providing cutting edge orthopaedic specialty treatment, while retaining a “small clinic” personalized environment.
- Physical TherapyAt Illinois Sportsmedicine physical therapy is performed by our two expert licensed physical therapists: Angelo Dizon and Clifford Rode. Unlike many centers we do not designate therapy to assistants or aides.
- Tennis ElbowTendons: Any inflamed tendon will also usually, but not always respond to injection. The most commonly injected are Rotator Cuff, Patellar, Gluteus Medius (Hip Trochanteric Bursitis),Biceps at shoulder, Achilles, and ECRB (tennis elbow).
- Ankle SprainLigaments: Studies have shown better healing of ankle ligaments after ankle sprain. However there is no evidence of benefit after ACL reconstruction.
- Neck Pain
- Achilles TendonitisFor tendon injury (but not complete rupture which usually must be treated surgically) our success rate is very high. Few if any patients have needed surgery after PRP treatment from us. These include rotator cuff injury of the shoulder, achilles tendon injury, tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis.
- Ankle Sprain
- Bunions ProblemsVirtually all #bunions can be treated without surgery. Despite that about 150,000 bunion surgeries are performed each year. There are many failures and complication. Here is how to treat without surgery...
- Plantar Fasciitis