- Chiropractic AdjustmentsThe Triangle, or Triad of Health, is a representation of the concept that in order for an individual to acquire an overall healthful lifestyle, they must have an interactive foundational balance between these three areas- Physical Health, Nutritional Health, and Emotional Health. This concept was initially conceived by D.D. Palmer, the “Father of Chiropractic” and the discoverer of the chiropractic adjustment. The Triangle of Health was also propounded by Dr. George Goodheart, the “Father of Kinesiology”, from whom originated all muscle testing techniques in use today.
- Nutritional ConsultationIn 1993, she graduated with certification in Nutritional Counseling from Dekalb College Assistant Certification Program sponsored by the Georgia Chiropractic Association. Jeanne has continued to advance her education and became Certified in Hormone Balance Theory in 1996 and Clinical Nutrition in 1998, and in Advanced Clinical Nutrition in 2005. She is currently working on a Doctor’s degree in Naturopathy and has a successful Nutritional Healing clinic alongside her husband Dr. Jack Winner’s successful Chiropractic and Kinesiology clinic. Together they make up the Winner Wellness Center.
- Manipulation Therapy
- Applied KinesiologySociety has lost its enthusiasm for drugs and unnecessary surgeries, which instead of solving the root problem try fruitlessly to cover the issue up. Applied Kinesiology remains an open door for those who want more out of their health care system than this, and who believe their body can heal itself!
- AcupressureOur facility consists of a kinesiology-based chiropractic clinic and a functional wellness healing center with a pharmaceutical grade nutrition store. We provide a range of individualized, non-invasive treatments including: kinesiology adjustments, Nutritional evaluation, allergy testing, hormonal balancing, acupressure, BEMER and Jade table therapy, and emotional release techniques. Our practitioners are passionate about providing the highest quality wholistic health care for each of our patients.
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