- FibromyalgiaIn addition, acupuncture has been useful in treating conditions that Western medicine has yet to pinpoint a direct cause. Western medicine relies a great deal on knowing exactly what is causing a disease or condition making it rather difficult to treat conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. For some, acupuncture may be the best alternative to conventional medicine. For others, it may work nicely as a complimentary treatment alongside conventional medicine.
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Ear InfectionsDiathermy is a treatment that helps with pain and inflammation and congestion by heating the body inside out. The heat breaks up congestion by increasing the circulation. It also has a sedative soothing effect on nerve endings. It enhances nutrition and affects dissipation of waste materials and relaxes the muscles. It is excellent on sinus congestion and infection, bronchitis, ear infections and sprains and strains. It is a comfortable and relaxing therapy that is very effective.
- Irritable Bowel SyndromeWestern medicine hasn’t exactly adopted the idea of “qi” per se, but studies on acupuncture show promising results. There have been many documented reports of the benefits of acupuncture to relieve and manage chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, back pain, chronic pain from accident or injury, diabetes, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders and even fertility.
- Pregnancy
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCold Laser Therapy has been used to successfully treat many conditions including acute and chronic pain reduction, repetitive stress disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome and rotator cuff syndrome, soft tissue strains and sprains, inflammation reduction, enhanced wound healing, and cellular regeneration.
- Diabetes Care
- MRIMany patients, some with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-documented disc herniations, have achieved “good” to “excellent” results after spinal decompression therapy.
- SciaticaPain in the legs and lower back may be caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. Learn more about how chiropractic and massage therapy can help relieve the pain of sciatica.
- WhiplashFast A, Sosner J, Begeman P, et al. Lumbar spinal strains associated with whiplash injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002;81:645-650.
- Sports MedicineWhen it comes to sports injuries, weakness or improper stretching can put you at risk of injury. In addition, an untreated injury may result in further or even permanent damage. It is vitally important to get proper care for any sports injuries, preventing the development of chronic problems.
- Frozen Shoulder
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Manual TherapyScientists studied 49 men and women with chronic back pain who were randomly assigned to receive either manual therapy or sham (placebo) treatment. Manual therapies consisted of treatments commonly employed by Dr. Tortoriello, such as chiropractic adjustments and spinal mobilization. Directly after treatment, patients did exercises like stretching, muscle and motor control workouts, mobility workouts, and strengthening. The participants were treated eight times, with an evaluation after three and six months.
- Plantar Fasciitis