- AntsAnts are one of the most common household pests. Ants come in a variety of sizes and species. They are most likely to cause a problem during the summer months when they enter houses looking for a water and food source. There are several varieties of ants in this part of North Carolina, as a result a combination of baits, sprays and granular applications are used to help control or prevent ant infestations.
- Spiders
- TermitesNationwide, termites cause millions of dollars in damage to structures every year. Obviously this is a cause for concern for any homeowner and being proactive is the best approach to protecting your home. The first step is having your house inspected at least once a year by one of our experienced technicians. After the inspection, you and the technician can discuss the next steps, if any, to protect your home from termites. Should there be an issue, we can come up with a treatment plan that both suits your budget and protects your home.
- FleasMice are a very common pest in our area. Mostly we see what is known as the "common house mouse" and in some cases the "white-footed mouse." Mice are a serious health issue as their droppings and urine can contaminate food and they are also capable of bringing fleas into your home. Female mice can have up to 10 litters of several young during her one year life cycle. They are also, great climbers and can fit through a quarter of an inch hole, making them difficult to exclude.
- CockroachesThough there are a several species of cockroaches in the US, only a small number appear in homes. In the southeast we commonly see the German, American, Oriental, and Smoky Brown cockroach. Of these four, the German cockroach is the species that we encounter in large numbers.
- BeesAppropriately named for the type of nests they construct, these insects are much more aggressive than typical honey bees. Paper wasps normally make their nest on the eaves and corners of houses, under decking, behind shutters and in dense shrubbery. These wasps have a painful sting and are able to sting repeatedly because they do not lose their stingers. These insects are normally active from spring to fall.
- Wasps
- BeetlesWhen building your new home it is absolutely necessary to have a pre-treatment performed to prevent termites. Timing of this treatment is important, and it is best done after the crawlspace soil is leveled and before the floor system is put in (though it can be done afterwards as well). For slabs, it is recommended to perform the treatment after the gravel is leveled and all plumbing extensions are installed. Once the soil around the structure is at final grade, our representative will return to do the treatment of the exterior, known as the "final." Please call us to take care of all you pre-construction treatment needs. Buying a home? When buying your new home, your lender will require a Wood Destroying Insect Report (WDIR). The purpose of this report is to find and report any evidence of wood destroying insects (i.e. termites or powder post beetles). Request your realtor to use Quickill Pest Service for your WDIR when considering a new home purchase.
- HornetsThe two species hornets we contend with in this area are the European and Bald Face Hornets. European hornets are known for their large size and classic yellow and black striped body and large paper nests. The Bald Face hornet is smaller than its European adversary and is recognized by its black and white color, most notably, the mostly white face. Both species build their nests on the eves of houses, inside outbuildings, in trees and dense shrubbery.
- YellowjacketsMore often than not, yellow jacket nest are often discovered while mowing the lawn or trimming bushes, nests can also be found in structures as well as debris piles. When disturbed, yellow jackets attack en masse and are capable of delivering numerous painful stings, usually on the same area of the body. This is due to the fact that upon stinging their victim a pheromone is released that allows other insects to attack the "intruder." This is a dangerous situation for those with allergies as a single nest can contain 500-1000 adult yellow jackets.
- Palmetto BugsCommonly known as the "water bug" and sometimes the "Palmetto Bug" this species is often seen in homes, basements, crawlspaces and garages. Normally, it is not present in large numbers like the German cockroach. American Cockroaches are approximately an inch and a half long, reddish brown with a distinctive tan color just behind the head. These roaches feed on a wide range of material including books, clothing and sweets, but most commonly on decayed organic matter like food scraps and vegetative litter. They move quickly and can even fly in warmer weather.
- Mice