- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Pediatric CareIf your pediatrician prefers not to come to the hospital the NNP and Neonatology team will gladly take care of your new arrival until discharge from the hospital at which time they will send all pertinent delivery information to your local pediatrician.
- Primary CareIn 2002, when the hormone scare occurred, it was not OB/GYN doctors rushing to stop hormone treatments. It was primary care providers, reading mainstream media information rather than the medical literature. We have a number of low dose options for HRT that are considered safe.
- Emergency CareBaylor has similar NICU, Nursery, OB Anesthesia and Hospitalist services as Medical City. Medical City has taken the level of service up a notch in a newer, larger facility. It benefits from its larger affiliate Medical City Plano’s Level III NICU and Medical City Children’s Hospital’s Level IV NICU, the highest level of care available. Medical City Frisco also has a full-service Emergency Room, Adult ICU, and Cardiac Cath lab for our non-obstetrical patients.
- Constipation
- ElectrocardiogramHow Is Preexisting And Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosed And Treated? Preexisting Diabetes Mellitus needs to be under excellent control prior to conception, as an elevated Hemoglobin A1C above 8.5 is associated with a 25% chance of a severe heart defect. Ophthalmology consultation, baseline labs, and an EKG are required as soon as pregnancy is confirmed.
- Urinary IncontinenceThe benefits are numerous, including increased feelings of well-being, prevention of osteoporosis, decreased risk of pelvic relaxation leading to hernias in the vagina, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, reduced pain with sex, and reduced risk of urinary incontinence.
- Diarrhea
- Pneumonia
- ImmunizationsIn a country that has a universal immunization program one would expect to seldom see a case of pertussis, but over the past decade the incidence of pertussis (whooping cough) has been on the rise in the United States. Several reasons are thought to contribute to this rise in whooping cough. The waning of immunity in peoples who have been previously immunized and a decrease in universal immunization.
- Ophthalmology
- GynecologyHow about better methods to prevent teen pregnancies? During the teen years, remembering to take a pill every day is an act of G-d. Depo-Provera is no longer an option; it has a black box warning for causing osteoporosis. We have seen osteoporosis in a 27-year-old and 34-year-old who were receiving this medication from Planned Parenthood or other medical personnel not keeping up with the latest medical recommendations. Read more about adolescent gynecology here.
- Female Infertility
- ObstetricsBaylor is a physician-owned specialty hospital that caters to Orthopedic and Obstetrics patients. Before the opening of Medical City of Frisco, it was our preferred location to deliver a baby. Currently, The providers of Frisco Women’s Health chose to use BMCF, only for patients whose insurance mandates. Typically, those requiring the use of the Baylor Scott and White Health Plan. Our office staff will verify the requirements of your current insurance plan to insure you maximize your insurance benefits.
- EndometriosisAfter medical school, I trained at Methodist Dallas Medical Center, a busy downtown medical complex located in the DFW metroplex. There, I encountered a high volume of patients and received the full scope of obstetrics and gynecology. I am comfortable in managing a wide variety of obstetric patients, including high risk conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. I am also experienced in treating an array of gynecologic conditions including abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, and fibroids and am skilled in different types of hysterectomies (vaginal, abdominal, laparoscopic) and am able to offer robotic-assisted procedures.
- Pelvic Pain
- PregnancyEach provider is university-trained and board-certified or eligible. They have been trained in the latest techniques and practices in the fields of high-risk pregnancy, infertility, and Da Vinci robotic gynecologic surgery. They have forged relationships with and thus can provide you with direct access to the most well-respected specialists in our field, including Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Gynecologic Oncology, and Urogynecology.
- Labor and DeliveryLabor and Delivery is now open at Medical City Frisco. We are excited about the facilities, the staff, and our ability to resume offering opportunities to VBAC to more patients.
- Internal MedicineMy training at an academic Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program, along with my Internal Medicine background allows me to provide complete women’s healthcare.  For many of my patients, I serve as their only physician.  I treat colds, urinary tract infections, pregnancy, menstrual problems, difficulty conceiving, and everything in between. If your problem falls outside the scope of my knowledge I will refer you to only the best doctors in the area, the same physicians that I trust my family’s health to.
- Bladder CancerThe major drawback that attracted the attention of the media was increased breast cancer and coronary artery disease risk. The problem is the media leaves out important details, like your risk of breast cancer increases from 1/10,000 to 8/10,000 patients or that the breast cancer associated with HRT is caught the earliest, leading to the most favorable outcomes. The secondary benefit is that if you take HRT your doctor will not refill your prescription without a doctor’s visit, making women a captive audience, therefore required to get all the preventative treatments available to prevent ovarian, breast, uterine, colon, and bladder cancer. Your yearly visit is an opportunity to check for blood disorders, elevated cholesterol, undiagnosed hypertension, or thyroid disease.
- Ovarian CancerWe recently detected in a patient with only a family history of ovarian cancer a gene for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. This results in a 99% chance of colon cancer at an extremely young age. Discovering this and taking proactive steps will save this woman’s life.
- Cervical CancerMany women are taken by surprise when notified that their pap smear has come back that they have HPV – Human Papillomavirus. They know that it is associated with cervical cancer and not much more. Here are some answers to a few of the questions that we are commonly asked.
- Colon CancerMyriad Genetics which is the original company to develop BRCA testing. They will draw your blood in the office, then verify your exact benefits before running the test. This is a win-win situation. In addition, Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Syndrome (HBOC) is linked strongly to colon cancer (Lynch Syndrome).
- Interstitial CystitisUrinary Tract Infections (UTI) are common in women and the symptoms are well known: burning with urination, feeling like you have to go all the time and often, voiding only small amounts, pelvic pain and pressure. So naturally when a women has these symptoms it is frequently assumed that a UTI is the diagnoses. That is often the case, but not always which is why we need to obtain a urine specimen and send off a culture. If the tests are negative for an infection we need to look at other etiologies for the symptoms. One of these could be Bladder Pain Syndrome or Interstitial Cystitis. It is estimated that between 3-8 million women in the U.S. are suffering with this syndrome. The cause of bladder pain syndrome is not fully understood it is believed that the lining of the bladder under goes some abnormal changes making it easily irritated. Pain may start gradually or have a sudden onset, can persist for month or years. Many patients will go misdiagnosed for years. Looking into the bladder and taking a biopsy definitively makes the diagnosis. There are some less invasive treatment options for women to try to relieve some of the discomfort.
- Urinary Tract InfectionBaby’s Heart Beat – Once the baby reaches twelve weeks, you will be able to listen to your baby’s heart with a small machine called a Doppler. As the baby gets larger, we will measure the distance from the top of your pubic bone to the top of the uterus in centimeters. This measurement should be within three of your number of weeks pregnant, and this reassures us your baby is growing appropriately. At each visit, please leave a urine specimen as soon as you arrive. It is used to make sure you are not developing a urinary tract infection, becoming dehydrated, or spilling protein in your urine. Proteinuria can be a sign of developing Preeclampsia or Toxemia of pregnancy when associated with elevated blood pressure.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCarpal Tunnel symptoms are a result of swelling within the sheath around your wrist that leads to compression of the median nerve. The median nerve goes to the last three fingers on your hand and causes numbness. This will resolve after you deliver. We do not find hand splints to be very helpful but you are welcome to see an orthopedist, preferably a hand specialist. Swelling in the legs puts pressure on the nerve endings in the feet and as a result causes swelling, numbness and a tingling sensation. It will resolve after delivery.
- AutismGenetic carrier screening is testing that looks at your genes to determine whether you are a carrier of certain genetic disorders. A positive result tells you with greater than 99% certainty that you are a carrier of a specific genetic disorder, and you could be at risk of having an affected child. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disorder in North America. It causes the body to produce very thick mucus that can damage internal organs. It clogs the lungs—leading to life-threatening infections—and can cause digestive problems, poor growth, and infertility. Symptoms range from mild to severe but do not affect intelligence. On average, CF patients live into their late thirties. About one in every 3,500 babies born in the U.S. has cystic fibrosis. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the most common inherited cause of infant death. It affects a person’s ability to control their muscles, including those involved in breathing, eating, crawling, and walking. SMA has different levels of severity, none of which affects intelligence. However, the most common form of the disorder causes death by age two. About one in every 6,000 to 1 in every 10,000 babies born in the US has SMA. Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability. Symptoms cover a wide range, from mild to very severe. About one-third of all people with FXS also have autism. Individuals with the disorder may also have behavioral issues, such as hyperactivity, social anxiety and aggression. Carriers may also be at risk for fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency or an adult-onset syndrome called fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Though FXS occurs in both sexes, males are more frequently affected than females, and generally with greater severity. Approximately one in every 3,600 boys and 1 in every 6,000 girls is born with FXS. No test can detect 100% of genetic carriers. Even if your test results are negative, it is still possible that you could be a carrier of the genetic disorder, but the chance is small. The decision to accept or decline genetic carrier screening is completely yours. Verifi Fetal Chromosome testing by Progenity is used to detect whether your pregnancy has a chromosomal abnormality such as too many or too few copies (this is called an “aneuploidy†) of certain chromosomes (e.g., chromosomes 21, 18, 13 as well as the sex chromosomes, X and Y). It can also test for trisomies (too many copies) of chromosomes 9 and 16, as well as microdeletions of the following chromosomes: 22q11, 15q11, 1p36, 4p-, and 5p-. This test is intended to be performed during the 10th week of pregnancy, as estimated by last menstrual period (8 weeks from conception), or any time after that. This test analyzes the DNA (genetic material) in your blood to determine whether a chromosomal abnormality is present. Depending upon what your healthcare provider orders, the test results may include the sex
- Stress Management
- Depression
- Mental HealthDiscussion about your physical and mental health, along with a review of your records and updates of any changes that have occurred in your family’s health history
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- EndocrinologyTara spent the last few months of her Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner training following Dr. Weinstein, so her transition to our practice was an easy one. Tara comes to us with extensive experience as a Labor and Delivery nurse dealing with both low and high-risk pregnancies. Along the way, she has worked in both a Reproductive Endocrinology and Urogynecology office.
- Thyroid
- UltrasoundOur office takes lunch from 1-2 p.m. so that our patients can schedule during their lunchtime. For patient convenience, we have an in-office lab that is in-network with all insurances and have an Ultrasound tech available to perform scans as needed. We are in-network for most major insurance carriers and verify each patient’s insurance prior to arrival. We still recommend you check with your insurance carrier to ensure we are in-network.
- MRIThere are two alternative ways to examine the breast for cancer. Â Breast ultrasound can pick up larger masses although it will have a tendency to miss smaller cancers. Â Breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) on the other hand is very sensitive for picking up potential abnormalities. Â Unfortunately, it will often detect tissue abnormalities that are truly not a malignancy. Â This can result in unnecessary anxiety along with unnecessary biopsies for the patient. Â You should always ask to be referred to a radiology group that focuses on breast disease, as they will have the most experience in reading studies.
- RadiologyThe American College of Radiology has a system to grade breast composition; often this will be shown on your mammogram report. Â We have long known fatty breast tissue is easier to see through than glandular tissue and as women age their tissue becomes fattier. Â The grading system is as follows...
- MammographySimply speaking, denser breast tissue means you have a higher chance that cancer will be missed by mammography. Â It does not mean you have a higher chance of dying from breast cancer. Â Unfortunately, the new mammography law did not provide any guidelines for primary care doctors to use if your breasts are dense.
- VasectomyBefore any female permanent sterilization procedure, we discuss and encourage vasectomy as the first option. Vasectomy is the easiest procedure to perform with the least risk.
- Robotic Surgery
- HysterectomySo Your Doctor Says You Need A Hysterectomy, Do You Really? Multiple studies have shown Hysterectomy to be one of most overly performed surgeries in the United States, probably second… VIEW DETAILS
- Endometrial AblationThe newest generation of devices for endometrial ablation first became available in the late 1990s and employed a variety of modalities to destroy the endometrial tissue in the womb cavity. These ranged from freezing to burning with heated free water or heated water in a balloon to devices that use microwaves or radiofrequency energy to desiccate the tissue in the endometrial cavity. These endometrial ablation procedures, while minimally invasive, do typically require the use of anesthesia because of uterine cramping during the procedure. Afterward, patients would typically experience some level of cramping as well as a discharge for the first few weeks after the procedure. Patient satisfaction rates with these types of endometrial ablations were high, but the percentage of patients who quit bleeding altogether varied significantly. Some had rates of no bleeding as low as 15% and others as high as 50%. Despite the inability to guarantee the absence of any uterine bleeding whatsoever, most patients who had endometrial ablations were happy, at least initially, to accept a reduction and normalization of their menstrual bleeding.
- LaparoscopyGone are the days of doing hysterectomies just because women have finished childbearing. Normally a hysterectomy is the most common elective gynecology procedure. It is definitely a valuable option in the treatment of certain female problems. The evolution of hysterectomy surgery is the da Vinci robot. The daVinci is an innovation in laparoscopy, allowing us to perform precise, delicate surgical procedures using very small incisions. The high definition 3-D camera allows you to see the smallest of blood vessels and visualize the smallest of adhesions. The articulating instruments allow you to perform surgery previously requiring a large incision with healing times from 6-8 weeks.
- Acne Treatment
- PsoriasisAll women planning pregnancy should be taking prenatal vitamins with at least 800 micrograms of folic acid, for the two months prior to conception. Many chronic diseases that are present while pregnant follow the rules of thirds. One-third of the time the diseases get better, one third get worse, and one-third of the time there is no change in the symptoms. These diseases include Asthma and most Rheumatologic disease like Psoriasis or Rheumatoid Arthritis. All women with a chronic disease should see us before they get pregnant. Give us the opportunity to help ensure your pregnancy will be uneventful by making a plan. Let’s get your blood pressure under control with safe blood pressure medication for pregnancy. Let us get your diabetes under complete control before that positive pregnancy test. Lastly, if you have had multiple pregnancy losses, we need to see you before you try again. There are many correctable and treatable causes for recurrent miscarriages.
- Physical Therapy
- Allergies