- Headaches
- FibromyalgiaIn this issue you can peruse information regarding, Tai Chi and benefits with Fibromyalgia, Sports Massage and whether it is right for you (I do this in my studio), back care stretches with photos, and stress, how the therapist and client or together to reduce it.
- NeurologyAccording to Dawn Buse, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Mediciine in New York says the research is “limited” since funding is not there to support large sample sizes for nonpharmalogical studies. There have been three studies of note…
- Anxiety
- UltrasoundStudy 2. Ttension-type headaches focused on head and neck massage, ultrasound, or 12 trigger-point massage sessions over six weeks. The massage group reported the highest positive change in headache frequency and perceived pain and improvement in pressure-pain threshold compared to the placebo and control groups.
- Neck Pain