- Primary CarePeople with bipolar depression disorder often don’t recognize how impaired they are while experiencing an episode or how great their disorder is affecting their lives and the people around them. Often friends, family, and primary care physicians are factors in urging the person to seek professional help from a trained psychiatrist. Diagnosis screening includes asking friends and family what symptoms the person is exhibiting during the episodes, as well as ruling out other health conditions such as mood disorders, possible schizophrenia, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse, or thyroid disorders.
- Sleep Disorders
- Emergency CareIf you seek suicide help or feel violent or out of control, call a friend or family to take you to the nearest hospital emergency room. You may also call 911. If you are a patient at Psycamore, call us during working hours and we will arrange the help you need.
- Female Infertility
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is believed to be caused by abnormal functioning of brain circuitry, probably involving the striatum area of the brain. It is not caused by environmental factors in childhood, such as family problems, inordinate emphasis on cleanliness, or belief that certain thoughts are unacceptable or dangerous. Proper medication with psychotherapy has been proven to actually produce changes in the striatum to correct this disorder. One of the most difficult problems in OCD is convincing family members that the individual is unable to simply stop the behaviors. Many OCD sufferers keep their symptoms hidden from doctors to avoid guilt, simply complaining of anxiety or depression, which sometimes accompany the disorder, along with eating disorders, substance abuse, ADHD, and other anxiety disorders. When other anxiety disorders are present, OCD is often difficult to diagnose and treat. Medical problems can coexist with OCD and must also be treated. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment of other disorders are extremely important to the successful treatment of OCD.
- Stress ManagementThis group focuses on identifying different stresses and the causes of stress in an individual’s life. Group members learn to apply various stress management techniques such as relaxation, exercise, healthy behaviors, coping skills, and behavior modification to improve their mental health.
- Depression
- Mental HealthPsycamore’s comprehensive services begin the moment a person enters our doors. Beginning with a free mental health screening, followed by the medication monitoring by psychiatrists and therapy provided by experienced clinicians, and finishing with a plan for continued care at the completion of your time at Psycamore. We are with you for every step of the journey to restored health and renewed hope.
- PsychiatryDr. Sudhakar Madakasira, a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and a Board Certified Psychiatrist founded the Psycamore’s Adult Program in November 2001, in order to serve adults who don’t want or need psychiatric hospitalization.
- Insomnia
- Behavioral HealthProgress monitoring of behavioral health patients is conducted at regular intervals and can include physical exams, blood and urine tests, medication reviews, mental health assessments (such as self-reported questionnaires, interviews, or cognitive tests), and more.
- Anxiety
- Thyroid