- Primary CarePrimary Eye Care includes a comprehensive vision and eye health examination. This examination is designed to detect a wide range of problems affecting visual function, such as blurred vision or eye discomfort.
- Emergency CareIf you have an eye emergency and feel you have respiratory symptoms, we will arrange to meet you in the emergency room.
- GlaucomaKnown as the “Silent Thief of Sight”, Glaucoma is a disease that can damage the optic nerve and eventually cause blindness. While the condition is rare, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.
- OphthalmologyWith locations in North and South Eugene, as well as in Newport and Florence, The Eye Center is a world-class ophthalmology practice offering the latest technology in eye and vision care. Our team of
- Macular DegenerationTomatoes and spinach are always a beautiful culinary combination, not to mention super healthy. And did you know that spinach is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two very important nutrients that reduce your risk of developing macular degeneration? Now add a great protein source (eggs) and you’ve got yourself a great meal that is good for […]
- Laser Eye SurgeryAs one of the area’s most experienced ophthalmologists using cutting-edge technological advances in eye care, Dr. Haines is an expert in LASIK refractive surgery, no-stitch cataract surgery, and lens implantation. He also specializes in plastic surgery of the eyelids, treatment of glaucoma, geriatric eye care, and diabetic diseases of the eye.
- CataractsA cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye leading to a decrease in vision. It can affect one or both eyes. Often it develops slowly. Symptoms may include faded colors, blurry vision, halos around light, trouble with bright lights, and trouble seeing at night. This may result in trouble driving, reading, or recognizing faces. Poor vision may also result in an increased risk of falling and depression. Cataracts are the cause of half of blindness and 33% of visual impairment worldwide.
- Cataract SurgeryFor non-elective cataract removal procedures, we offer the latest techniques and products in cataract surgery. Our standard procedure makes tiny self-sealing entries into the eye where the cataract is painlessly removed. We then replace the cataract clouded lenses with intraocular lenses. These lenses enable you to see both distant and near, and often result
- Eye ExamAll people should have a periodic, comprehensive eye examination every one to two years depending on one’s particular needs. Why? The eyes are like any other organ system in the body. Because of this, pathologies that are identified in early stages (before they become a significant problem) are easier to treat and manage. As such, periodic evaluations are recommended.
- Depression
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- Diabetic RetinopathyCurrently, there are over 100 million Americans who have diabetes or pre-diabetes. If you have diabetes, you are at risk of diabetic retinopathy. This means you are at risk of a host of problems that can dramatically and adversely affect your vision, including the risk of losing it altogether.
- Radiation TherapyCommon causes include systemic diseases, vitamin deficiency, medication, traumatic injury, including ischemia, radiation therapy, excessive alcohol consumption, immune system disease, coeliac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or viral infection. It can also be genetic.
- Botox
- Eyelid SurgeryEyelids and the tear duct system are critical components to the ocular (eyesight) system. Excessive skin and looseness of eyelids can negatively impact peripheral vision. The narrowing of nasal and/or tear ducts from various causes can lead to chronic tearing and infections. Both of these problems can be corrected by surgical intervention.
- Plastic Surgery