- Dental Examination
- X-raysPanoramic X-rays are taken around the eruption of the first permanent tooth or around age 6. This x-ray is taken every few years during childhood development to evaluate the developing teeth, including impacted, missing or extra teeth, and to detect any abnormalities such as tumors or cysts. This x-ray also provides the diagnostics necessary to evaluate wisdom teeth later in the teenage years.
- Teeth Cleaning
- Fluoride Treatment
- Dental SealantsJust like you are amazed how your child’s shoe size can change overnight, we are amazed at how much your child’s mouth can change in six months. Whether it’s checking to see if your child is ready for preventive procedures like sealants, it’s time for an orthodontic referral due to crowding teeth, or there’s not enough room for wisdom teeth, our doctors know what issues to assess at every stage of your child’s development. We perform a growth and development assessment during every routine appointment to keep you on top of your child’s dental health.
- Space MaintainersPrimary (baby) teeth are important for holding space for the un-erupted permanent tooth. When a primary molar tooth is lost prematurely, the neighboring teeth may tip or drift into the space, leaving little or no space for the permanent tooth to erupt. A space maintainer is recommended to help preserve the space and prevent this from happening. There are several different types of space maintainers, and they are custom made to fit your child’s mouth. Once placed, permanent tooth eruption will be monitored and the spacer will be removed when needed; therefore, it is important for your child to follow up with us for routine check-ups. Space maintainers are unnecessary for premature loss of front teeth.
- FillingsYes. Amalgam fillings are made up of different metals such as copper, silver and tin. A small amount of mercury is used to bind all of these metals together making the filling material soft and easy to place into the tooth. Amalgam hardens quickly so that it can withstand the forces of biting and chewing. In today’s world of dentistry, less amounts of mercury are being used because more of other elements are added (high-copper amalgams). When the amalgam is mixed, the small amount of mercury has formed a compound with the other metals. By the time the amalgam is placed in the tooth, the mercury is bound and no longer toxic. Studies have shown that the small amount of mercury you are exposed to with a filling is less than what one is exposed to in their daily environment.
- CrownsIf your child had large decay or a fracture on a front tooth, we may recommend a resin crown to cover the entire tooth structure. Resin is a moldable material and is available in many shades allowing us to custom match the natural tooth color. While resin crowns are aesthetically pleasing, they do have the tendency to stain and discolor and can fracture or break over time. For this reason, they are recommended only for front teeth and special care is recommended to prolong the longevity of the filling.
- Bridges
- PulpotomyBaby teeth are small, and sometimes a cavity can be large enough that the bacteria extends deep into the tooth and reaches the pulp, or the tooth’s nerve. Infection of the tooth’s pulp requires pulp therapy in order to prevent the spread of infection. A pulpotomy is the partial removal of the nerve tissue, followed by placing a sedative material to help soothe the tooth and seal the remaining exposed nerve. The tooth is then restored with a stainless steel crown, covering the remaining tooth structure and providing strength to withhold biting forces.
- Root Canal TreatmentWhen the cavity (decay) is large, and bacteria has reached the nerve (pulp) of the tooth, it needs a pulpotomy. The portion of the pulp tissue that has been exposed to bacteria will be removed (baby root canal) and replaced with a special medicine. Then a silver crown will be placed to seal the tooth from getting any further decay.
- Dental ImplantsIt depends on which tooth is missing. Sometimes the space can be closed (either naturally or with orthodontics) or, sometimes having a false tooth fill the space may be the best option (this may be achieved by either a bridge or an implant). Your dentist will discuss your specific situation with you at your visit!
- Tooth ExtractionsAn extraction is often indicated for a tooth with decay too large to restore, if the tooth has an abscess, or certain traumatic injuries. Sometimes it may indicated to extract a permanent tooth prior to orthodontic treatment. We perform both baby tooth extractions and simple extractions of permanent teeth if indicated.
- OrthodonticsThere are a few reasons to refer a younger child to an orthodontist early. If a child has an orthodontic issue that requires early intervention, such as an anterior crossbite or severe crowding, he/she would benefit from an orthodontic consult. Another great reason to have a child undergo early orthodontics is to take advantage of growth. It is common to do orthodontic treatment in multiple phases. Early treatment provides significant benefits and may prevent certain conditions from worsening. Treating children during their growth stages can simplify treatment especially since the face and jaw bones have not fully developed. It is recommended to have an orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7. This early evaluation can help determine when to begin necessary treatment to achieve optimal results in the most time-efficient way possible.
- BracesOur motto for this age group is: Brush the ones you want to keep! This is the stage where most baby teeth are gone and it is critical to establish and maintain good hygiene habits to keep the permanent teeth in good shape. Whether struggling with hygiene due to braces or simply lacking hygiene motivation, we will work with your child to assess their struggles and determine their individual needs.
- General Dentistry