- FibromyalgiaAcupuncture uses extra fine needles placed into specific points on the body. These points lie along channels of the body called "meridians" that allow for the free flow of energy or "qi". When these channels are blocked, imbalance occurs and illness can occur. Acupuncture attempts to clear blocks and allow energy to flow freely thus balance can be re-established. Acupuncture is effective for both acute and chronic conditions. Addiction, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, hypertension, fertility, and weight loss can all be helped by acupuncture with very few side-effects. Acupuncture can also stimulate the immune system and help to prevent illness. It can be used in conjunction with naturopathic and conventional medicine or alone. While you rest quietly, acupuncture needles focus your body's energy where it is most needed for healing. When the points are addressed often you may feel a feeling of heaviness or radiation of this sensation, but most often you will have a feeling of total relaxation. This gentle yet powerful treatment allows your body to re-balance achieving a return to health.
- Sinusitis
- Medical Weight Loss
- Primary CareGynecology is a unique mix of primary care and women's specialty care. As a board certified fellow with the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology since 1998, Dr. Crider has great familiarity with the workup and treatment of women's issues including hirsuitism (extra hair growth), infertility, irregular menses, hormonal and non-hormonal headaches, female athlete concerns, as well as contraceptive methods and hormonal replacement therapy. The workup of abnormal Paps, ovarian cysts and pelvic pain as well as postmenopausal bleeding is also routinely offered as needed.
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel SyndromeDigestive disorders: Spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea, inflammation of the colon and stomach and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- Bronchitis
- Diarrhea
- GynecologyDr. Anja Crider is a 1992 graduate from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. After completing residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr. Crider gained experience in both primary care and in reproductive health in the military for 11 years. As an Army Physician and as a National Ski Patrol doctor, Dr. Crider has become familiar with acute musculoskeletal issues and travel medicine. Exposure to different cultures in medicine inspired her to embrace alternative therapies in addition to traditional western medicine with the goal of achieving optimum health. She believes in compassionate care where patients are educated and empowered to realize their health goals.
- Female Infertility
- Obstetrics
- EndometriosisSpecific interests include general medical care, preventative and screening examinations, teen and women's health (contraception, hirsuitism, painful or heavy menses, endometriosis, nonsurgical urinary issues of incontinence and prolapse) as well as varying approaches for depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, chronic musculoskeletal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and PTSD related issues.
- Pelvic Pain
- Kidney Stones"I was very skeptical about acupuncture until I had my first experience with Dr. Anja Crider last summer. I was experiencing a tremendous amount of pain due to kidney stones and the medication the doctors had given me was not providing relief. Dr. Crider offered a treatment and I immediately felt complete relief which lasted until I had surgery. I instantly became a believer in acupuncture at that point. To seal the deal, I suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and have had surgery in one hand, but have been experiencing pain and numbness while waiting for a second surgery to fix the other hand. Dr. Crider did some treatments on my wrist and shoulder and it significantly improved the problem, allowing me to cancel surgery. I am thoroughly convinced now that acupuncture is a legitimate and useful tool in many different aspects of medical care."
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeOrthopedic disorders: neck pain, rib neuritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, low back pain and sciatica.
- Depression
- Mental HealthGeneral Practice involves the diagnosis, management and treatment of diseases ranging from acute to chronic and simple issues to complex and severe conditions. All of the body's different systems can be treated such as cardiac, respiratory and digestive and musculoskeletal systems. Mental health and overall wellness as well as the prevention of disease are also carefully considered.
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Sciatica
- Cyst
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain