- AutismTEACCH® Autism Program offers a variety of training and consultation to professionals who work with individuals with ASD. This training and consultation is offered in the state of North Carolina as well as to programs across the United States and around the world. TEACCH has a comprehensive Professional Certification Program that allows professionals to document their use of evidenced-based practices. For more information, please visit the TEACCH website.
- Mental HealthDungarvin provides a variety of individually tailored services and supports under the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver. Other services provided include day services, supported employment, case management, supported foster care, children’s services, respite care, host homes and supports for persons with traumatic brain injury and mental health needs in several states. Our quality services are flexible and responsive to individual needs and choices, while maintaining the fiscal integrity that ensures the long-term stability and security every person expects and deserves.
- Behavioral HealthBenchmarks provides a unified and expert voice on seeking quality services for child welfare, mental health, and substance use. Benchmarks staff understand behavioral health and what is necessary to effectively influence the various aspects of the human services network including the local, legislative, and state entities. Private and public provider and funding sources are part of this system. For more information please visit the Benchmarks of North Carolina website.