- Root Canal Treatment
- DenturesPain in the sides of the lower jaw, or pain felt as "sinus" pain in the check or eye areas. Missing back teeth may result in a reduction of the height of the bite. When combined with daytime clenching due to stress, this can create muscle trigger points, muscle fatigue and pain. Ill-fitting/worn dentures may have loss of vertical support for the chewing muscles and may result in muscle spasm causing facial pain, headaches, neck pain, etc. due to improper jaw function.
- Orthodontics
- General DentistryDr. Gloria Maczuga-Stern has practiced general dentistry in New York and Connecticut for 19 years. Her own personal experience with TMD led her to pursue further training for her pediatric, adult, and geriatric patients. At the Center for Sleep & TMJ Disorders she has been providing conservative, non-invasive treatment to patients with sleep breathing and temporomandibular joint disorders since 2008.