- Erectile Dysfunction
- Urinary IncontinenceUrinary incontinence is a condition where there is loss of control in managing the flow of urine from your body. Approximately 17 million women in the U.S. encounter urinary incontinence in their lifetime. This condition can occur in women between the ages of 18 and 60 and beyond and is usually a result of the urethra not being closed tightly to keep urine in the bladder. Symptoms vary from...
- Labor and DeliveryIf you are taking certain medicines, have a disease, or have relationship problems, it can affect your sex life. Certain times of women’s lives can also cause disruptions in sexual desire or arousal including after childbirth or menopause, or during stressful times throughout life.
- Bladder CancerUrologists deal with all cancers related to urology, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer mainly. These cancers are in the top 6 cancers in men, specifically.
- UrologyMetropolitan Urology Group complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Metropolitan Urology Group does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
- Kidney Cancer
- Kidney StonesOdds are that someone you know had a kidney stone. They are fairly common, affecting one in eleven people at some point in their life. There is no single cause for kidney stones, but educating yourself on kidney stones can aid in the prevention of them.
- Urinary Tract InfectionPatients can send general messages to the office including questions, problems and/or concerns. In order to expedite this process, we are asking that patients contacting the office regarding a possible urinary tract infection and/or antibiotic to provide the following...
- Prostate CancerIf you've been diagnosed with a urologic condition such as prostate cancer or a kidney disorder, and are in need of surgery, call our office in Wauwatosa. Our Providers specialize in minimally invasive da Vinci surgery. For more information or to request an appointment, call our office at (414) 476-0430.
- Cancer Care
- Mental Health
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyTo properly diagnose kidney stones, your urologist will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your history with kidney stones, diet, GI problems, and other diseases and disorders. In addition to a physical exam and discussing your medical history, he or she may also perform a urine sample, blood test, abdominal x-ray and CT scans.
- Cyst Removal
- Robotic SurgeryIf you have any questions about da Vinci robotic surgery, contact our urologists at Metropolitan Urology Group today. To schedule an appointment call our urology clinic near Milwaukee, WI at (414) 476-0430.
- LaparoscopyOur board-certified urologists are highly skilled in all aspects of general urology. Utilizing the latest technology for diagnosis as well as medical and surgical treatment, we are recognized experts in the fields of laparoscopy, cryosurgery, urinary incontinence, and the treatment for urologic cancers of the kidney, prostate, and bladder.
- Botox
- Laparoscopic SurgeryBoth minimally invasive surgical options require one or a few small incisions that doctors use to insert surgical equipment and a camera for viewing. In laparoscopic surgery, doctors use special long-handled tools to perform surgery while viewing magnified images from the laparoscope (camera) on a video screen.