- ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis: In addition to inflamed joints, rheumatoid arthritis can affect the eyes. In fact, the autoantibodies that target your joints can target the eye's glands and other structures.
- Primary CareOur doctors are seasoned professionals at preventing and managing your diabetes in close cooperation with your primary care physician and/or your endocrinologist. A dilated retinal exam will be performed annually to determine if there are any signs of early retinopathy. High definition, ultra-widefield photography will be performed along with computerized laser scanning ophthalmoscopy to monitor closely the health status of the retina. We also offer close cooperation and co-management of advancing retinopathy with local retinal specialists. Many of these cases simply need to be monitored by our doctors, but in the event of complications, appropriate referral and co-management is available.
- Family PracticeBut that’s wasn’t the end of the Boas connection with Salus. Suzanne’s son Zachery Helms was born while she was a married student at PCO and served as the unofficial mascot of the Class of 1986. The couple’s daughters, Marie OD ‘17 and Katherine OD ‘19 both graduated from the University and have joined their parents in the family practice. And youngest son Robert, who worked in the family practice while earning a degree in psychology from Ursinus College, returned to the business after graduation and currently handles the billing as well as serving as an optometric assistant.
- Emergency CareIt’s not always necessary to go to an emergency room for eye emergencies. Studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of people who sought urgent eye care at an emergency room could have been treated by an optometrist.
- GlaucomaGlaucoma is not a single disease. It is actually a group of eye diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve due to an increase in pressure inside the eye, which is called intraocular pressure (IOP). When detected in the early stages, glaucoma can often be controlled, preventing severe vision loss and blindness. However, symptoms of noticeable vision loss often only occur once the disease has progressed. This is why glaucoma is called “the sneak thief of sight†. Unfortunately, once vision is lost from the disease, it usually can’t be restored.
- Macular DegenerationWhile researchers have not yet discovered a cure for age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), there are treatment options which prevent the disease from progressing to blindness, and in some cases, they can even improve vision.
- Laser Eye SurgeryConvergence insufficiency (CI) is a treatable near vision disorder and eye muscle coordination problem that can not be repaired with eye surgery, medications, standard eyeglasses, or contact lenses. Results from recent scientific studies show that at least 1 out of every 20 people (5%) have Convergence Insufficiency. Most of these studies have been conducted with school age children or full grown adults and show that the incidence/frequency of Convergence Insufficiency is similar across all populations, racial groups, and cultures.
- CataractsBoas Vision Associates provides comprehensive eye examinations during which our doctors fully examine your eyes to assess for any cataracts. The doctors examine the extent of any decrease in best corrected acuity due to cataract development, explore how it may be affecting your vision and quality of life, and help you understand when a referral for cataract surgery is indicated. We offer close cooperation and co-management of advancing cataracts with local cataract surgeons to provide the highest quality of care to our patients.
- Cataract SurgeryInside the eye directly behind the colored part of your eye (iris) and centered around the pupil, you have a natural lens that helps to focus images onto the retina. Over time, as part of the natural aging process, the lens may become cloudy. A cloudy lens is termed a cataract. Cataracts can produce problems with glare and blurred vision. Most cataracts are related to aging, however they can occur earlier in life if you have diabetes, a history of chronic steroid use, or have had an injury to your eye. Occasionally cataracts can be inherited and noted at birth. Cataracts are very common in older people and can occur in one or both eyes. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. Almost everyone, if they live long enough, will develop a cataract, but not all cataracts will require surgery.
- Eye ExamThe Best Eye Exam in Chester County and the Philadelphia Metro Area is a Vision Exam with our Eye Doctors.
- AutismAutistic children and adults require special testing for their eyes, eyesight, and vision. Our behavioral/developmental optometrists in Exton are experienced in comprehensive eye exams for all types of special needs and nonverbal children and adults, including those on the autism spectrum. According to developmental rehabilitation optometrist Dr. Neil Margolis, FCOVD, FAAO, “Nonverbal children often tell us, through their behaviors, what their problems are.â€
- Multiple SclerosisThe optic nerve connects the eye directly to the brain and is to some extent an extension of the central nervous system. Swelling or inflammation of the optic nerve can therefore be viewed as an early sign of multiple sclerosis. Although this kind of swelling can also indicate a number of other ailments or even a viral infection or vitamin deficiency, about 20% of people with multiple sclerosis first experienced swelling of the optic nerve.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)The perception of most people who have Convergence Insufficiency and those who are close to them is that perceived behavioral and/or emotional problems are not understood to have a physical cause (a treatable vision problem!). Instead, the perceived behavioral and/or emotional problems of the person with undiagnosed Convergence Insufficiency are often blamed on character traits or other neurobiological or behavioral diagnoses, such as ADD, ADHD, dyslexia or even mislabelled as “on the spectrum.” Convergence Insufficiency is often mistaken by individuals, teachers, friends, and family as “laziness,” “spaciness,” “day dreaming,” “clumsiness,” “indecisiveness,” “disorganized,” “poor time management,” “high maintenance,” “high anxiety,” or, as mentioned before, ADD-ADHD, dyslexic or mildly autistic.
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that only affects diabetics. Diabetes causes the blood vessels to weaken and they can leak blood, water, and/or cholesterol. New, abnormal, weak blood vessels can grow in the eye and are at risk for hemorrhage. During the beginning stages of the disease, there may be no noticeable symptoms, so it’s important to have your eyes checked at least once a year, if you have diabetes.
- WhiplashTraumatic Brain Injury (TBI) including Stroke, Birth Injury, Brain Damage, Head Injury, Whiplash, Cerebral Palsy, MS, etc.
- NeurosurgeryAfter concussion, appropriate and immediate examination and treatment is indicated. According to Targeted Evaluation and Active Management (TEAM) in Neurosurgery. 2016 Dec; 79(6): 912–929, Vision Therapy is “beneficial for patients with concussion and mild TBI that exhibited common oculomotor issues such as reading difficulty, vergence, accommodation, saccade, or pursuit impairment. Vision therapy employs a variety of vision exercises and tools designed to improve oculomotor control, focusing, coordination, and teaming.”
- BotoxTreatments for Strabismus include Strabismus Surgery, Atropine Drops, Botox injections, Corrective Lenses with or without prism, and Vision Therapy (including Orthoptics). Any treatment that addresses the eye muscles only, such as Strabismus Surgery or medications (Atropine, Botox) will most likely not change the brain and nervous system enough to normalize vision and to bring about improved vision, such as binocular vision and 3D stereo vision (stereopsis). And in many cases, in terms of cosmetic results only, even after repeated strabismus surgeries, lasting normal appearance is still not achieved.
- Cosmetic SurgeryIn other words, Strabismus Surgery often is cosmetic surgery only whereas Vision Therapy (strabismus treatment without surgery) changes eyes, brain, and body to improve both appearance and vision at the same time.
- Shoulder Pain