- Commercial Pest Control
- AntsOdorous House Ants are the skunks of the insect world. These small black ants release an odor much like a skunk when they are threatened or crushed; fortunately, the odor has little effect on us, but can be a great deterrent against predators closer to the ants’ own size. The odor is also a great way to identify odorous house ants which is extremely important because the behaviors of this type of ant are quite different from other ants. While the odor is not harmful, the ants themselves can be extremely invasive as they forage for sugars and food crumbs around the house or office.
- SpidersThe hobo spider is a member of the funnel-web spider family Agelenidae. Funnel-web spiders are long-legged, swift-running spiders that build funnel or tube-shaped retreats. The hobo spider runs at an average speed of about 0.45 meters (17 inches) per second, with a maximum speed of about 1.1 meters (40 inches) per second. The hobo spider has a brown cephalothorax (the front portion to which the legs are attached) and brown legs, with darker markings on the cephalothorax. The abdomen has a distinctive pattern of yellowish markings on a grayish back ground, although this pattern can be difficult to discern without the aid of a microscope or hand lens. The pattern is generally more discernible in immature specimens. Unlike many other similar-looking spiders, hobo spiders do not have darker bands (like multiple arm bands) on their legs. Spiders with such banding can be assumed not to be hobo spiders.
- TermitesThis specific type of termite can be very expensive to eliminate. Their nest are located in the ground which you may encounter seeing the mud tubes they build on exterior wood timbers to travel and feed on the wood timbers in your home. The mud tubes provide a certain amount of moisture to keep the nest fully functional. If you notice these western subterranean termites or mud tubes in or around your home, you are recommend to call the professionals at Eagle Pest Eliminators to get an expert opinion on what it will take and cost to eradicate these pest from your home.
- Bed BugsBed bugs are becoming a common pest in the Pacific North West and in the U.S. period! After their near eradication following WWII, bed bugs began to resurface in the ’90s and continue to be a growing nuisance. Bed bugs cause small skin irritations, but their psychological effects can bring about even more damage. No one wants to sleep tight when they know the bed bugs might bite.
- FleasPreventing fleas from infesting your home you should always have your pets (cats or dogs) on a flea treatment medicine as they can pick up fleas when you’re out walking your dog. (Check with your local veterinarian for the best flea prevention medicine that’s right for your pet). In the summer months, people and their pets can pick up fleas from walking on the grass at a local park etc... Prior to getting back into your vehicle, be sure to check your clothing and your pet for fleas.
- CockroachesHave you heard the joke? If the world suffered a nuclear holocaust, what would survive... Keith Richards and cockroaches. While we’re not sure about Keith Richards, it is true that roaches are tenacious survivors and have developed a resistance to some chemical treatments. In addition, they are often difficult to detect because of their nocturnal habits. These factors combined with the health concerns associated with roaches make them one of the most distressing pests a homeowner can encounter.
- SilverfishThe silverfish adult is about 1/2 inch long with a uniform silvery or pearl-gray color, whereas the four-lined silverfish is about 5/8 inch long and the back displays four dark lines the length of the body. The gray silverfish is about 3/4 inch long and uniform light to dark gray. The firebrat is about 1/2 inch long, grayish and mottled with spots and bands of dark scales. Young resemble the adults except they are smaller. Eggs are whitish, oval and about 1/32 inch long.
- Bees
- WaspsBiological control: The introduction of natural predators, such as parasitic wasps, can help control the emerald ash borer population.
- MosquitoesThis module is intended to serve as a source of basic information needed to implement an integrated pest management program for mosquitoes. Any pest management plan or activity must be formulated within the framework of the management zones where it will be implemented. Full consideration must be given to threatened and endangered species, natural and cultural resources, human health and safety, and the legal mandates of the individual parks. Recommendations in this module must be evaluated and applied in relation to these broader considerations.
- FliesFlies like to visit areas with food waste or filthy unsanitary areas just about anywhere inside or outside a structure. Keeping a clean home or clean area inside or outside a structure is key. There are light traps or sticky traps with lures you can buy at your local hardware stores to place inside/outside structures if you experience flies. It is possible that if you see a cluster of flies in an area and a very bad odor, it may be due to a potential dead rodent etc... You may need to call in the professionals at Eagle Pest Eliminators if this occurs as this scenario can present a bigger problem than expected.
- BeetlesTrimming back trees and shrubs away from home is always a good idea to help prevent insect infestations to your home. Also, vacuuming your carpet once a week will help prevent carpet beetle infestations to your home. You may also want to treat exterior home with an approved insecticide labeled for Carpet Beetles at areas such as but not limited to: Window frames, door frames, utility penetrations and exterior vents these areas can be potential point of entry for Carpet Beetles.
- HornetsTravis did a great job for us! I called about one yellow jacket nest, then found another. Travis took care of them both and found another one too. We also spotted a bald-faced hornets nest (a big one.) Apparently they love our home. All gone now. Travis is very friendly, approachable, and fantastic at explaining the procedure. The price was right too. I found other companies more expensive. Thumbs up to Eagle Pest Eliminators and Travis.
- YellowjacketsIf currently needing a Seattle pest control provider to rid your home, business, school, or other establishments of rats, mice, ants, yellow jackets-wasps, bats, birds, moles, spiders, bed bugs, termites, beetles, roaches or other pests commonly found inhabiting the Seattle Puget Sound area? We invite you to call and experience one of Seattle’s most trusted exterminators who is ready to provide you with Seattle’s absolute best services.
- MothsMost lady beetles found on crops and in gardens are aphid predators. Some species prefer only certain aphid species while others will attack many aphid species on a variety of crops. Some prefer mite or scale species. If aphids are scarce, lady beetle adults and larvae may feed on the eggs of moths and beetles, and mites, thrips, and other small insects, as well as pollen and nectar. They may also be cannibalistic. Because of their ability to survive on other prey when aphids are in short supply, lady beetles are particularly valuable natural enemies.
- MitesMost lady beetles in North America are beneficial as both adults and larvae, feeding primarily on aphids. They also feed on mites, small insects, and insect eggs. The two exceptions are the introduced Mexican bean beetle...
- SpringtailsSpringtails, those tiny, leaping insects of the damp basement, can be found year-round, if conditions for their existence are present. Springtails feed on algae, fungi, and decaying vegetable matter and are abundant only in damp, moist or very humid locations. Indoors, this might include kitchens, bathrooms, moist basements, soil of potted plants, and around window frames. Outdoors, springtails are one of the most valuable ~recyclers~ in the soil ecosystem. They break down organic matter so the nutrients can be reused by growing plants.
- AphidsMany crops benefit from lady beetles. They are helpful for growers of vegetables, grain crops, legumes, strawberries, and tree crops; however any crop that is attacked by aphids will benefit from these beetles.
- GnatsInsect electrocuters, or “bug zappers,” do not effectively control mosquitoes. Many mosquitoes are not attracted to the light. Tests in residential areas have shown that only a tiny percentage (usually less than 3%) of the insects killed are mosquitoes. Most are harmless gnats, moths, and beetles.
- FirebratsThese insects like to feed on glues and starches found in books and book bindings etc... These insects are normally nocturnal and come out at night to eat and drink water. You may find them in bathrooms, kitchens etc... You can make homemade traps by using a glass jar with tape around the outside so they can climb up jar but are not able to climb out. For heavy infestations of silverfish and firebrats, you’ll need to eliminate any moisture conditions in your home and remove their food sources and can always apply a dust insecticide such as boric acid that will be labeled for firebrats and silverfish.
- BatsWhile mosquitoes remain a major killer in other parts of the world, in the United States, mosquitoes are not the scourge they once were. But they’re still irritating, they still bite us, and there are some species in the United States that spread disease. Mosquitoes also serve a vital ecological function. The larvae, pupae, and adults are important as food for fish, birds, bats, frogs, and insects- -an essential consideration when the subject of mosquito control arises in a national park.
- MolesWhat a mess these moles can make in your yard that you worked so hard to get your landscaped yard looking beautiful. There are several types of baits and deterrents available at your local hardware store. Placement of mole bait in your yard is key and can pose a real challenge sometimes to being successful. Be sure not to over water your yard as the overwatering invites moles food supply in your lawn like worms & grubs thus inviting moles to feeding frenzy and wreak havoc in your yard. If you’re not successful with eliminating moles in your yard, recommend you call the professionals at Eagle Pest Eliminators to help eradicate moles from your yard.
- Wildlife
- BirdsEagle Pest Eliminators is proud to provide all of the affordable and reliable services you need to protect your yard from bird droppings and keep your business running successfully without the noise and mess caused by birds. Our bird control products will take care of your bird problem in an effective, humane, and inexpensive manner. In fact, we take pride in only using the highest quality of products for bird control in Seattle that are on the market. Protect your home, storefront, warehouse, golf course, hatchery, patio, lawn, or orchard and give us a call now!
- WoodpeckersNorthern Flickers are unusual among North American woodpeckers in that their general coloration is brown rather than black and white. Their backs are brown with black barring, and their chests and bellies are light tan with prominent clear black spots. Their tails are black, and they have white rumps. There is a broad, black band across the upper chest. Two forms occur in Washington: the Red-shafted, and less commonly, the Yellow-shafted. The flight feathers of Red-shafted Flickers have reddish-orange shafts, and their wings and tail are reddish-orange below. Red-shafted Flickers have gray heads, throats, and napes, and their foreheads are brown. Male Red-shafted Flickers have red moustaches; the moustaches of females are pale brown. Typically, neither sex has a colored nape crescent (but see below). The flight feathers of Yellow-shafted Flickers have yellow shafts, and their wings and tail are yellow below. The heads of Yellow-shafted Flickers are gray above, and their faces and throats are brown. Males have black moustaches; females have none. Both males and females have red nape crescents. Intergrades between the two forms are common, and some Red-shafted birds in Washington have red nape crescents.
- SparrowsThe familiar House Sparrow is a chunky sparrow with a large head and short tail. It was introduced to this country from Europe and is in a different family from our native sparrows. Males in breeding plumage have streaked chestnut backs, chestnut heads, and gray crowns. They have black throats and breasts and light gray cheeks and under parts. Males in non-breeding plumage look similar, but lack the black throat and breast, have less distinct markings on their heads, and have yellowish rather than black bills. Females have drab, grayish-brown, unstreaked breasts, with mottled buff and brown upperparts and light eye-stripes.
- StarlingsEvery year you might have a variety of different kinds of birds trying to nest in your home. One main area birds (starlings) like to nest is in your attic by way of entering the roof eave vents. Be sure you have secured screening or ¼ inch hardware cloth at all roof eave vents. Another type of bird that can damage your homes wood siding is pileated wood peckers or flickers. You may need to call in the Professionals Eagle Pest Eliminators to do this tough job.
- CrowsEuropean Starlings tend to form flocks year round, but flocks are generally larger and often huge in fall and winter. They often forage with other species, including Red-winged Blackbirds, Brown-headed Cowbirds, American Robins, House Sparrows, crows, and Rock Doves. When foraging, they generally walk or run along the ground and probe the soil with their bills, looking for food. Starlings can be aggressive and will persistently harass other species to take over nesting cavities. They will also mob predators in flight, gathering into tight flocks and dive-bombing a hawk or other predator. Starlings are intelligent and adaptable, and are capable mimics.
- PigeonsRock Pigeons, more commonly known simply as just “pigeons,” are familiar birds in any developed area. Chunky birds with sharply pointed wings, Rock Pigeons are found in a variety of colors and patterns, although all gray is most common. Rock Pigeons have black bills with white fleshy bases, red eyes, red fleshy eye-rings, and salmon-colored feet.
- Blackbirds
- RodentsEagle Pest Eliminators will identify poor sanitation areas inside and outside of home. Inspect for excessive waste in and around kitchen areas including other sections inside the home that promote unsanitary living conditions. Inspect garage area for excessive clutter and unwanted garbage including stored firewood stacked in garage or up against outside siding. Note: exposed pet food inside or outside the home can be an attractant for rodents including bird feeders. Check for water leaks and or standing water. Recommend over grown vegetation be cut back away from side of home. Resident should make necessary corrections inside and outside of home to eliminate conditions conducive to attracting rodents.
- Mice
- RatsEagle Pest Eliminators will be sure to talk with customers to find out where he or she is seeing evidence of rodent droppings, rub marks, chewed clothing or missing insulation etc., from rodents inside the home. After communicating with the resident, we start our inspection on the outside of home. Key area to inspect: trees touching roof line area. Rats are great climbers and will try entering attic under roof tile shingles (if possible). Note: most roofs are sealed fairly well. However, an old roof that is starting to decay and or rotting, allows the rodent to chew a hole large enough to enter. Important: check under siding at the bottom of wall, some of the older homes have large gaps wide enough for rodent entry. This may require foaming under the siding with steel wool. Also important to check the outside ground area for rodent burrow holes. Important: rodents can and do burrow under ground to gain access into crawlspace area of the home. Important: bait all visible rodent burrows. Check existing crawlspace and attic vents for proper screening. Check exposed piping and conduit extending out from siding including dryer vents with broken vent covers and broken or missing air vents to crawl space. Look for dark colored rub marks (oil from rodent fur) on areas listed.