- Dental Examination
- X-rays
- Teeth Cleaning
- Fluoride TreatmentResidential water fluoridation, caries risk and age are evaluated prior to recommending fluoride treatment for your child.
- Dental SealantsSealants are an effective way to prevent decay in deep grooves of permanent molars, which are most susceptible to cavities due to the depth of the grooves and difficulty cleaning these areas.
- FillingsEventually, further research is likely to eliminate problematic shrinkage of current resin-based composites and the need for use of amalgam fillings entirely.
- CrownsA variety of metal-free crown materials, which eliminates the unsightly appearance of dark margins sometimes seen at the gumline of teeth with existing metal-based crowns, are available to suit your restorative needs.
- BridgesUnesthetic appearances of spaces between teeth, discolored fillings or tooth surfaces and worn or misshaped teeth can be easily treated using resin-based composite (tooth-colored) fillings or metal-free crowns and bridges.
- PulpotomyIn certain situations, you may be referred to see a root canal specialist (endodontist) for completion of RCT after a medicated sedative filling (pulpotomy) is placed.
- Root Canal TreatmentDue to the root anatomy of primary teeth and eventual root resorption as permanent teeth erupt underneath, root canal therapy is not an option for infected primary teeth as it is for their permanent teeth replacements.
- Deep Cleaning
- DenturesComplete Dentures (CDs) and full treatment plans consisting of a variety of restorations. Due to varied insurance coverage for treatment procedures and annual maximums, it is advised that patients become familiar with their insurance details and we are available to help upon request.
- Dental ImplantsConventional titanium implants were first used over 60 years ago. Following extensive research and improvements on implant design, current success rates of over 95%, surgical placement and healing that is easily tolerated and beautifully natural appearing restorations, dental implants are now considered the gold standard for replacement of missing teeth.
- Tooth ExtractionsRemoval of primary teeth is typically recommended when infection is present that may cause damage to developing permanent teeth underneath.
- Bone Grafting
- Teeth WhiteningCustom bleaching trays are made of a thin, clear rubber material that is non-bulky and prevents bleaching solution from irritating the gums (unlike one-size-fits-all bleaching trays). Trays are comfortable and recommended to be worn overnight, but may be worn anytime that is convenient.