- Auto InsuranceOften times people will actually opt for the smaller amount of insurance to save them self the time with an exam. What you are really doing is similar to eating out versus cooking at home. You are paying more money each month in exchange for convenience however on a large scale. Depending on your situation it may be beneficial to just answer the questions and pay more to get that peace of mind right away. on the other hand you may want to go forward with a policy that requires an exam. Financial the policy with the exam cost several times less. You get a free exam that will let you know your cholesterol if you are pre-diabetic etc. The main thing here is that you can get a lot more insurance for your money going through underwriting. Similar to how car insurance companies charge people more for having bad driving records they also charge smokers and people in poor health more for their insurance. If you have a clean bill of health you pay less the same way you would for car insurance with a clean driving record. The main difference here is that when you answer the questions without the exam you are often paying for one size fits all underwriting which often the same as paying the same car insurance premium as someone with a bad record. In some cases having a blanket premium may be cost effective if your health is not the best it could be. However if you are young and healthy; underwriting and exams may be the way to go.
- Life InsuranceEverybody at some time has a question about insurance especially with the new legislation underway. This blog was created to give people real answers to their insurance questions with a focus on life insurance. This is the blog for Medini Financial a full service financial services group whose philosophy is knowledgeable answers, personalized advice and no pressure.
- Long Term CareWhen my clients think long term care they either think of medicare of of a nursing home. One thing I often hear when I ask about long term care the first thing they say is I am not going to a nursing home I don't need long term care insurance. The funny thing is that long term care may be the only thing that can keep you from going to a nursing home.
- AnnuitiesSeveral people ask me about their retirement goals and what I can do to help. Some people have asked me this question out of pure curiosity. Medini Financial in Ephrata would like to share its knowledge of what an annuity is and go into a little detail of the different types of annuities out there.