- Dental CareYes. If you need to cancel your appointment please contact us within 24 hours. If you need to cancel a surgery or a dental cleaning, please do so within 48 hours. Otherwise, you will be charged the full amount of the service missed.
- VaccinationPuppy/Kitten visit package: The Spears Creek Veterinary Clinic will take care of all of your new pet's needs, from examination to vaccination and deworming. You will also receive a single dose of heartworm prevention and flea treatment just right for your puppy or kitten's weight. If you have new pet questions, we've got answers! Starting at the age of 6 weeks, puppies and kittens need 5 visits at 3 week intervals.
- Comprehensive ExaminationFeline Annual: Includes full physical exam, fecal testing and any core vaccinations necessary (depending on your cat's lifestyle: FVRCP, Feline Rabies, Feline Leukemia) We will also trim your pet's nails and clean ears if indicated at no extra charge.
- Parasites Treatment and ControlSenior Feline Annual: For felines 8 years of age and up... Includes full physical exam, fecal testing, CBC/Chem bloodwork and any core vaccinations necessary (depending on your cat's lifestyle: FVRCP, Feline Rabies, Feline Leukemia). We will also trim your pet's nails and clean ears if indicated at no extra charge.
- Pain ManagementSpay: To protect your female pets from breast cancer, spay them before their first heat cycle (6 months of age). Pricing includes anesthesia, heart/anesthesia monitoring, surgery, 4 days of a probiotic, 4 days of post operative pain relief and a microchip.
- Skin Condition and Allergy TreatmentAllergy testing: Yes, we can tell you what your pet is allergic to! A simple blood draw and your pet's results can lead you to an itch-free pet. No more chewing feet, licking excessively or chronic ear infections. Prednisone and Benadryl-free relief, at last!
- Leptospirosis TreatmentSenior Canine Annual: For canines 8 years of age and up... Includes full physical exam, heartworm and fecal testing, CBC/Chem bloodwork and any core vaccinations necessary (depending on your pet's lifestyle: Distemper/Parvo, Rabies, Bordetella, Leptospirosis). We will also trim your pet's nails and clean ears if indicated at no extra charge.
- Ear Infection Treatment
- Anal Gland Infection Treatment
- Spaying and NeuteringNeuter: Neutering male pets will keep them from straying and will also protect them from prostatic disease. Pricing includes anesthesia, heart/anesthesia monitoring, surgery, 4 days of a probiotic, 4 days of post operative pain relief and a microchip.
- Microchipping
- Grooming