- Warts
- Arthritis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Primary CarePlease let us know prior to your appointment if any of your information has changed (this includes your name, address, phone number(s), insurance coverage and/or primary care doctor’s name.)
- Emergency Care
- Diabetic Foot Care
- X-Rays
- Wound CareDr. Amy returned to Miami, Florida for a three-year residency at Kendall Regional Medical Center with specialized training in trauma as well as traditional podiatric medicine and surgery. In addition, she honed her Spanish-speaking skills by communicating with patients, physicians, nurses, and staff almost exclusively in Spanish. She remained in Florida for a few years, where she worked at a wound care center, assisted in the training of residents, and treated podiatric conditions in the office, surgery center, and at various hospitals.
- BunionsA bunion is a “bump” on the joint at the base of the big toe—the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint—that forms when the bone or tissue at the big toe joint moves out of place. The toe is forced to bend toward the others, causing a painful lump of bone on the foot.
- Skin CancerIn some cases, discoloration that comes from under the nail may be a sign of skin cancer. It is best to have your Foot Specialist take a look & confirm the cause. They can also help coordinate the appropriate treatments.
- Cyst
- FungusUnusual nail color such as yellow, brown or black may be caused by a fungus or an injury to the toe/nail. Wearing breathable shoes & socks made of natural or synthetic blends may help as well as using a foot powder inside your shoes to minimize moisture build-up. Your Foot Specialist can evaluate your shoes & socks, recommend a good foot powder and also prescribe a topical or oral anti-fungal medication.
- Physical TherapyEarly diagnosis & intervention is very beneficial in helping the patient fix the problem with less invasive, conservative care & helping them get back to normal activities. This may include physical therapy, use of shoe inserts (also known as Orthotics), decreased activity, anti-inflammatory medication, to name a few. The longer a patient has suffered from flat feet, the more likely that they may need more extensive treatments, including surgery, to correct it as the ligaments and tendons in your feet may become stretched & strained over time. Your Foot Specialist will be able to offer different treatment options based on the severity of the condition.
- Flatfoot Correction
- Heel Pain
- Orthotics and Prosthetic Therapy
- General PodiatryBorn on February 11, 1946 in Washington DC to Herbert and Ethel, he would spend his entire youth in the District of Columbia including his freshman year of college at American University. At the age of 18, he met Miriam and chose to transfer to the University of Maryland to be with her. They were married in 1968 just prior to Alan’s enrollment in the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine where he would graduate cum laude in 1972. After 4 years in Cleveland, the criteria of “anyplace that was sunny and warm” was met perfectly by the border city of El Paso, Texas.
- Ankle SprainIncreased participation in outdoor sports can also increase the number of foot and ankle injuries, particularly for children who play field sports. Source...
- Bunions ProblemsArches in the feet start to form around 2-3 years old. It is not uncommon for babies to walk differently at first, such as walking on their tip-toes, flat-footed, with their toes turned in or even tripping once in a while, however if this continues past age 3-4, please contact your Foot Specialist. Walking is a great exercise for the feet, however prolonged, abnormal walking may lead to foot and ankle related problems later in life. If foot problems or deformities, such as bunions or flat feet, run in your family, its a good idea to have a Podiatrist take a look at your young child's feet once they start walking to help ensure their feet are developing normally.
- Diabetic Foot CareOur Podiatrists in El Paso, Texas treat a variety of podiatric issues and ailments (such as athlete's foot, bunions, callouses, diabetic foot care, fungal toe nails, hammertoes, heel pain, ingrown toe nails, wound care, etc.). We accept patients of all ages, including infants, children, teenagers and adults. With treatment options ranging from surgical to medical to physical procedures, patients are familiarized with the full scope of options prior to receiving treatment.
- Flat Feet
- Fungus ToenailsToenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When the tiny organisms take hold, the nail often becomes darker in color and smells foul.
- Hammertoes
- Heel SpursHeel pain is most often caused by plantar fasciitis, a condition that is sometimes also called heel spur syndrome when a spur is present. Heel pain may also be due to other causes, such as a stress fracture, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation or, rarely, a cyst.
- Heel Pain
- Foot Pain
- Pediatric Foot Care
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Podiatric DeformitiesAs your child grows from an infant into their teenage years, pay close attention to their feet - how they walk & run as well as how well they take care of their feet (such as overall care & their personal hygiene). You should also check their shoes for unevenly worn soles. If, at any time, you notice something that does not look right or normal to you - such as them favoring a foot or ankle, in-toeing, tip-toeing, redness, swelling, discoloration, etc. - please contact your Foot Specialist. Many foot deformities and foot & ankle related conditions will not correct themselves, but your Podiatrist is trained to identify and treat these conditions. After all, this pair has to last a lifetime!
- Podiatric SurgeryDr. Pittle is Board Certified with the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and is a Diplomate of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. He is also a member of the American Podiatric Medical Association.