- Arthritis
- Pediatric Care
- Primary CareMedicare & many private insurance providers are now covering the total cost of low dose CT Lung Cancer Screenings. Lung cancer is responsible for more deaths of central Georgians than any other type of cancer. That is why accurate, early detection is so important. Low Dose CT Lung Cancer Screenings at Putnam General Hospital play a major role in the detection of lung cancers. No out-of-pocket cost for Medicare and most commercial insurance plans. Talk to your Primary Care/Family Practice physician to see if you qualify for this screening. Fully covered for Eligible Medicare Beneficiaries and most commercial insurers.
- Sleep DisordersWhether difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or remaining awake, the Putnam General Hospital Sleep Center uses state-of-the-art technology and sophisticated diagnostics to identify and treat the underlying issues. The Sleep Center is operated under the direction of a board-certified sleep medicine physician and employs a staff of experienced, board-registered sleep technologists and respiratory therapists. Featuring two private, comfortable sleep bedrooms, our newly remodeled center offers you a "home-like" atmosphere. Our Sleep Center provides treatment and conducts research for almost all sleep disorders, from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most prevalent disorder, to insomnia and rare conditions such as narcolepsy and parasomnia. Our services include diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation in which patients are treated with the most advanced medical care available.
- Family Practice
- Emergency CareThe Putnam General Hospital Pharmacy utilizes the Unit Dose Distribution system to provide medications to its patients throughout the hospital. Automated Dispensing Cabinets are also utilized in the Emergency Department and as emergency backup after pharmacy hours. The use of these cabinets increases patient safety by decreasing the potential for medication errors. Sterile products are compounded in a Compounding Aseptic Isolator to protect our patients and meet Joint Commission standards. The pharmacist is involved with Medication Reconciliation, drug monitoring and patient counseling. Our pharmacists are actively involved in the pharmacy quality improvement program and are involved in both patient and community education programs.
- Colonoscopy
- Flu ShotsThe volunteers of the Putnam General Hospital Auxiliary help provide the best possible care in both patient and non-patient areas of the hospital. Auxiliary members give of themselves, sharing their time and experiences in helping those in need. Auxiliary members also hold several events throughout the year to raise funds for the hospital. One annual community event funded by the Auxiliary is the annual flu drive, where free flu shots are administered to the public.
- Gynecology
- Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Urology
- Nephrology
- Endoscopy
- Lung Cancer
- Ultrasound
- RadiologyPutnam General Hospital's Digital Imaging Department is second to none. New up-to-date advanced imaging technology and equipment combine to make Putnam General the most advanced state-of the-art imaging facility in the area. Our radiologists are board-certified by the American Board of Radiology. Our technologists are certified in the modality in which they perform and are registered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).
- X-Rays
- Nuclear Medicine
- Mammography
- Computed Tomography
- General SurgeryPutnam General Surgical Services are reflective of the organization's commitment to remaining at the forefront of patient care and technology. Putnam General is a state-of-the-art facility offering minimally invasive surgeries with improved outcomes, less chance of infection and faster recovery.
- Orthopedics
- Wound Care
- Hysterectomy
- Breast Augmentation
- Plastic Surgery
- Face Lift
- Cyst
- Lesions
- Sports MedicinePutnam General Hospital provides quality and professional physical therapy services for patients of all ages in Putnam and surrounding counties. Our therapists and staff have training and experience in the areas of orthopedics, massage therapy, sports injuries, and injured workers as well as treatment of chronic pain, lymphedema therapy, and wound care. Our concern is the welfare of the whole individual with emphasis on pain relief, rehabilitation, and active involvement of the patient with home exercise and long-term prevention programs.
- Physical TherapyIn 2004, the hospital began expanding once again to enlarge the areas of physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, storage, as well as, the operating room and the family waiting room. During this expansion, the hospital's CT Scanner was brought into the hospital from an outside building.
- Neck Pain
- Manual Therapy
- General Podiatry
- Hammertoes