- Dental Care
- VaccinationWe offer all levels of care from exams and vaccinations to surgery and dental procedures. We also offer emergency care for cats of all ages.
- Comprehensive ExaminationPrevention and overall wellness are essential components for a happy and healthy pet. Complete physical exams allow the veterinarian to inspect your cat from ear to tail. This exam allows the doctor to get a better picture of your cat's health and help identify potential health issues, ideally before they become serious or life-threatening.
- Parasites Treatment and ControlAlso, check with your veterinarian to make sure your cat has all of the necessary vaccines to keep the cat protected. You cat will need to be on flea and heartworm prevention year around as well. You may want to consider oudoor options that are proctected such as screened outdoor perches and tunnels for cats.
- Behavioral Disorder TreatmentEach pet is different, and should be treated as such. Our vaccine protocol is tailored to the needs of your cat. Kittens receive a series of FVRCP (Feline Distemper) vaccines according to their age. Also, once they are old enough, they will receive a Rabies vaccine. In general, for adult cats we recommend the following: Rabies on an annual basis, FVRCP (Feline Distemper) every three years, and, if applicable, Feline Leukemia every two years. The Cat Hospital of Durham and Chapel Hill follows the vaccine protocol approved by the American Association of Feline Practioners.
- Pain Management
- Arthritis TreatmentOsteoarthritis is very common in humans and animals alike, causing pain and stiffness in joints. Though there are several FDA-approved products available for humans and dogs, cats have been left behind. Some products do exist, but there are shortfalls, including the need for daily administration, adverse side effects, and lack of evidence to prove long-term efficacy. The Cat Hospital of Durham and Chapel Hill is proud to be at the forefront of researching new options for the aging feline with arthritis.
- Thyroid Disease Treatment
- Cancer TreatmentDr. Szymkowski's professional memberships include the American Association of Feline Practitioners, the Veterinary Wound Management Society, the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association. She cares deeply for all animals, but her special interests are feline medicine and surgery, wound treatment, cancer care, and geriatric medicine.
- Wound and Fracture CareDr. Rachel Davis is originally from the Chicago suburbs. She moved to North Carolina from Maryland in 1997 and graduated from NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine in 2001. Since graduation, she has worked in small animal practice in Chatham county and Cary. Her interests include dentistry, client education, pain management, soft tissue surgery, and wound care. She has taken extensive continuing education classes and laboratories to advance her knowledge and skills with feline dentistry.
- Veterinary SurgeryOur veterinarians perform routine surgeries (e.g., spays, neuters) as well as soft-tissue surgeries (e.g., mass removals) in our modern surgical suite. All surgical patients will receive a pre-anesthetic exam and labwork to help ensure the safest anesthetic procedure as possible. Each patient is monitored by the doctor and one of our veterinary assistants. Vital signs are continuously evaluated and recorded. The patient is watched closely until fully recovered from anesthesia. The owner is called after the procedure to let you know how the cat has done during surgery. We will do our best to keep your cat as safe and comfortable as possible during the procedure and recovery.
- Laboratory ServicesThe first step is to find out if your cat qualifies. Any age, sex, or breed over 6 months of age is encouraged to contact us if there are signs of slowing down or discomfort at home. There is a screening process to begin, followed by 4 clinic visits over about 3 months. You must be willing to bring him/her to our clinic that often. There is no cost for you to participate. Cats will receive physical exams, X-rays to confirm the presence of arthritis, blood work, urine tests and treatment at no charge over the period of their participation in the study. The treatment is given by injection at the beginning of the study (Day 0) and twice again 4 weeks apart (Day 28 & 56). So, no fuss at home.
- X-Ray
- Dental RadiologyGood dental health is extremely important for the overall health of your cat. Drs. Margaret Edwards and Rachel Davis perform our dental procedures, from general cleanings to more extensive procedures needing extractions. They are both skilled and experienced and can evaluate your cat's teeth and then give you an estimate for the procedure. Bacteria from untreated tooth or gum disease can enter the bloodstream and potentially affect the heart or kidneys. Regular professional dental cleanings are the best way to counteract such problems. The Cat Hospital of Durham requires bloodwork prior to each dental procedure to ensure your cat can safely handle the anesthetic procedure. We use dental x-rays as a means to further evaulate your cat's dental health. The cat is dropped off early morning and will spend the bulk of the day with us the day of the procedure. Each patient is monitored during the procedure using up-to-date equipment and technology. A member of the staff will contact you to let you know how your cat is doing after the procedure. While your cat is here with us, we will make every effort to keep your cat as comfortable as possible.
- MicrochippingWe highly recommend microchipping your cat. Cats lose collars and tags easily. Having a microchip, which can't be lost, gives your cat a better chance at being reunited with you if they should become lost.
- Boarding.The Cat Hospital of Durham and Chapel Hill is a full-service veterinary clinic that provides care exclusively for felines in a calm and friendly environment. From your kitten to your senior cat, we are here to help with all of your cat's medical needs. We offer preventative and emergency care as well as boarding and grooming.
- Grooming