- Warts
- Pediatric CareWelcome to Drexel Hill Pediatric Associates, where your children come first. We provide pediatric services from birth to age 21. We strive to develop a long-term relationship with you and your child with a goal to provide the highest quality pediatric care and ongoing support during your child’s development.
- Primary CareYour child should have a well child visit at the intervals listed below. We recommend that you call our office 3 months in advance to schedule an appointment with your child's primary care provider on the date that best fits your needs.
- Ear InfectionsColds, upper respiratory infections, and URIs are common terms we use to describe viral illnesses that cause nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, and cough. The fever usually lasts for 2-3 days, and the cough with congestion and runny nose may last for 5-10 days. The typical preschool-age child may experience 6-10 colds per year. Most colds resolve on their own with rest and fluids, but some may lead to ear infection, sinus infection, asthma attack, or other complications. If you are concerned about the possibility of one of these complications, please have your child seen in our office for an evaluation.
- Emergency CarePlease call us with any questions and concerns prior to utilizing the emergency room, urgent care facilities, or other healthcare facilities. We are available 24/7.
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Pneumonia
- ImmunizationsInformation needed for feeding, immunizations or other routine questions: Try to make a list of these questions to ask the doctor at your child's next check-up. If these questions cannot wait, call between 1:30-3:00 p.m. or leave message for the nurse. Or visit our " Ask the Nurse " section on this website.
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Autism
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Find more information under the ADHD tab of our Forms page (click here to hyperlink to our Forms page)
- Depression
- Mental HealthHere are Mental Health links (including website links and documents). Click on the topics below to expand for more information.
- Behavioral Health
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Radiology
- Breast Reduction
- Acne Treatment
- Frostbite
- EczemaWe recommend starting solids (fruits and vegetables) at approximately six months of age. This recommendation is based on studies that show that newborns started sooner on baby foods have a higher chance of allergic problems, especially eczema or dry itchy skin patches. Cereals may be started after 4 months of age when it seems necessary. If your baby is content, we recommend maintaining breast feeding or formula alone for the first six months.
- Rashes
- Skin CareEczema is a skin condition characterized by areas of very itchy, dry red skin. It is usually inherited and often starts in infancy. Eczema cannot be cured but can be controlled with good skin care. Most children outgrow this condition by adolescence, sometimes sooner.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Allergies