- Auto InsuranceWhether you need to buy a business auto insurance policy will depend on the kind of driving you do. A good insurance agent will ask you many details about how you use vehicles in your business, who will be driving them and whether employees, if you have them, are likely to be driving their own cars for your business.
- Motorcycle InsuranceBefore revving up your new bike, protect yourself and your hot wheels with Motorcycle insurance. The professionals at Ivy Insurance in Brentwood, Tennessee can discuss your options from personal injury protection to property damage liability. Call us today, and we’ll get you rolling with the coverage you need.
- Boat InsuranceIn tough economic times some boaters are tempted to let their insurance coverages lapse. Should you ever need to use your watercraft insurance, however, it is one of the best investments you could make. Here are some things to consider...
- RV InsuranceWith different Liability Limits, Comprehensive, Collision, Personal Injury Protection, and Medical coverages to choose from, it’s easy for most consumers to make simple mistakes that could quickly become a drastic consequence towards their financial stability and well-being. This is no different when it comes to recreational vehicle insurance. You don’t want to be on vacation in your motor home, out on the open road on your motorcycle, or cruising through the backwoods on an ATV and end up not only in an accident but unable to come back from it financially. With Ivy Insurance, you can rest assured you are protected.
- ATV Insurance
- Inland Marine InsuranceIf your business frequently ships products or equipment, you may want to consider purchasing inland marine insurance. This type of coverage is especially important if you ship high-value products or materials, which are often excluded from basic property coverage. Inland marine insurance can cover a wide range of specialty equipment and products.
- Jet Ski Insurance
- Renters InsuranceIf you rent your living space, you should consider renters insurance to cover the value of your possessions. If you already have renters insurance, don’t forget that you have more to lose now that you have combined belongings, such as furniture, electronics and jewelry. Consider increasing your limits on personal property coverage, which pays to replace or repair items that are stolen or damaged.
- Home InsuranceWhen considering homeowners insurance, extended replacement coverage is critical. While skimping on this protection may lower your coverage costs slightly, those savings will mean nothing should disaster strike and lead to tens of thousands of dollars in losses.
- Condo InsuranceYour condo association buys insurance for the building and common areas. In choosing your condo policy, you should consider the areas of the building that you own, your personal belongings and any safety systems you have in place. Ivy Insurance can assist in finding a policy that is right for you and your condominium.
- Landlord InsuranceIvy Insurance can help you find homeowners, renters, condo or landlord insurance that meets your specific needs. Here are a few things to discuss when you call us at (615) 678-8278...
- Title InsuranceExpenses (over and above the price of the property) incurred by buyers and sellers in transferring ownership of a property. Closing costs normally include an origination fee, an attorney’s fee, taxes, an amount placed in escrow, and charges for obtaining title insurance and a survey. Closing costs percentage will vary according to the area of the country; lenders or realtors® often provide estimates of closing costs to prospective homebuyers.
- Life InsuranceLife insurance is simply protection to ensure that your family will have financial security when you pass away. If something should happen to you, how will they be able to continue doing the things they take for granted, such as live in a nice home, continue their education, or create a retirement nest egg without you? Life insurance can help to provide the answer. In this section, we’ll help you begin to think about Life insurance. We’ll take a look at the two basic types of Life insurance, how to achieve an appropriate level of Life insurance, how to read your policy, and how to address typical planning concerns. All designed to provide you with a framework for considering how much life insurance you need.
- Health InsuranceThere are many health insurance companies available, offering various types of plans. The professionals at Ivy Insurance can help you find a plan that matches your described needs and desires.
- Disability InsuranceDisability insurance helps protect you from an interruption of your income due to an accident or medical emergency. Naturally, no one expects an accident to take them out of commission, even for a short time. But a good disability policy provides protection just in case.
- Long Term CareLong-Term Care Insurance helps you protect your assets and maintain your financial security should you need long-term care later in life. While no one likes to think about the escalating costs of nursing homes and other elder care expenses, planning now can provide you – and your family – peace of mind now and in the future.
- Business InsuranceBusiness insurance to compensate a company on the death of a key employee or to provide a surviving partner the resources to buy out the deceased partner’s share of the business.
- Commercial Property Insurance
- Workers Compensation InsuranceAccidents happen in every industry – to every business. Workers Compensation is designed to protect your employees and your company should a workplace accident occur. At Ivy Insurance, we are experienced in providing effective, affordable Workers Compensation Insurance.
- Commercial Liability InsuranceProvides coverage including defense for liabilities associated with operating a commercial business enterprise. Policies are tailored to meet the specific risk management needs of your business.
- Professional Liability InsuranceProvides coverage for defense costs and awards for liability arising from improper professional practices and errors and omissions in the conduct of business activities.
- Builders Risk Insurance
- Restaurant InsuranceIt’s not always hospitable in the hospitality industry. Whether you own a restaurant, bar or catering service, exposure to risk is ever-present. Food can spoil; liquor can incite problems; property damage can interrupt business. Your operation is doing well. Protect it with Restaurant insurance.
- AnnuitiesA type of group annuity providing for the purchase each year of a paid-up deferred annuity for each member of the group, the total amount received by the member at retirement being the sum of these deferred annuities.
- Liability InsuranceFor many business owners, general liability insurance is the first insurance policy they secure. General liability insurance provides coverage against claims in which someone is injured or their property is damaged as a result of the work or product your business performs.
- Jewelry InsuranceShould I go with a company that specializes in jewelry insurance? There are companies that specialize in jewelry insurance. Whether you choose one of these or a company that we represent, you’ll want to make sure they are reputable and stable.
- Flood InsuranceIf you currently live, or are going to purchase a home, in an area which has been declared “high-risk for flooding”, then you’ll certainly want flood insurance for your property. But, what if you don’t live in an officially designated flood prone area near a stream, river or other low-lying area? Getting a flood insurance quote and purchasing flood insurance is still a really good idea. There is nothing worse than starting a life in a home and creating memories and losing it all to a flood issue.
- Earthquake InsuranceTo sum up, when an earthquake hits, silver linings are scarce. But there’s an option you should consider – Earthquake insurance. If you’re anywhere near an earthquake prone area, it’s time to act – contact us today.
- Windstorm InsuranceWindstorm coverage pays for losses to your property that result from a windstorm. The coverage acts like a flood or earthquake policy in that it pays for damage to the dwelling, and, in some cases, for damage to your personal property and for living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable. If you live in a coastal area, you’ll probably need to purchase separate windstorm coverage on your house. In areas where coverage is scarce, states sometime offer market assistance programs or joint underwriting associations to help homeowners find a carrier.