- Dental Care
- VaccinationThe rattlesnake vaccination will not prevent you from having to take your dog to the emergency clinic, but it can make your pet's reaction less severe. Some dogs will even need less antivenin if they have been appropriately vaccinated. While it takes 30 days for the vaccine to protect your pet, it's never too early or too late to start scheduling these shots, especially in southern California where our mild climate is preferred by rattlesnakes.
- Veterinary OphthalmologyAny time your pet seems to be in pain or discomfort, a trip to our facility for evaluation is needed to determine the reason. Our veterinarian has state-of-the-art equipment available to conduct tests of your pet's vision to determine whether an infection is indeed present. Be sure to have a list of symptoms available to discuss with our vet so a proper prognosis can be made.
- Nutritional CounselingTumors occur due to the uncontrolled multiplication of body cells instead of the natural cycle where old cells die. There are two main types of tumors in pets: benign and malignant. Benign tumors can grow large but are not cancerous and do not easily spread to other healthy tissues in the pet's body. On the other hand, malignant tumors are cancerous and can be fatal if immediate action is not taken. The most obvious sign that your pet has a tumor is an unusual lump on the skin. You may also notice weight loss, open wounds, discharge, mobility problems, and a decrease in your pet's activity stamina. It's important to visit a veterinarian as soon as you notice any unusual signs in your pet for examination and possible tumor removal.
- Comprehensive ExaminationWhether you're in need of routine wellness exams for your pet, or your pet has an urgent issue such as abdominal pain and swelling, at East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic we can provide top-quality veterinary services on site. Our emergency veterinary services allow your pet to receive a full range of services under one roof so it can be treated quickly without the need for transport to another facility. We take pride in providing our clients with everything needed to properly care for their pet to ensure a healthy and happy life. If you are looking for a caring, professional veterinarian with emergency vet services on-site, call to set up an appointment today.
- Parasites Treatment and ControlDue to our warm, often humid climate just outside of Los Angeles, flea and tick prevention is essential for pets that spend time outdoors. Dogs who enjoy exploring the area's nature parks and shared dog parks are more likely to pick up parasites from other animals, grassy areas, and even other pets' feces. This can lead to discomfort, illness, and several conditions that can be transmitted to other pets and humans. Let's discuss some common issues they can cause.
- Pain ManagementOnce you arrive, we treat the rattle snake bite immediately. Options include administering antivenin, antihistamines, IV fluids, oxygen, antibiotics and pain medication. We test for bleeding problems and organ damage and provide a blood transfusion if needed.
- Vomiting Treatment
- Diarrhea Treatment
- Skin Condition and Allergy TreatmentJust like humans, cats and dogs can suffer from allergic reactions to food, medication, insect bites, pollen and mold. Signs of pet allergic reaction include swelling, hives, itchiness, warm red skin and agitated behavior. Rarer, more life-threatening signs include difficulty breathing, abnormal heart rhythm, low blood pressure and collapse.
- Upper Respiratory Illness TreatmentKennel Cough - An upper respiratory illness is one of the main causes of coughing and choking in dogs. Although mostly seen in dogs who spend time in kennels or around other dogs, kennel cough is a viral, upper respiratory disease that can affect any dog exposed to the virus. Honking, hacking coughs, gagging and spitting up are classic signs of a kennel cough.
- Intestinal Foreign Object Removal
- Leptospirosis TreatmentInfection - Your pet may become lethargic if it is suffering from some type of infection, such as a kennel cough, parvovirus, leptospirosis or distemper.
- Parvovirus Infection TreatmentDistemper - A viral infection spread through the air, distemper is a serious disease producing a runny nose and eyes, coughing, loss of appetite and seizures. Fortunately, you can get your dog vaccinated against distemper, rabies, and parvovirus at our veterinary hospital in Diamond Bar.
- Bacterial and Viral Infection Treatment
- Ear Infection TreatmentLuckily, if your pet is experiencing a loss of muscle coordination due to an injury or otherwise, an emergency veterinarian can help. The faster treatment can begin, the better the chance your pet has with recovery. Treatment can take many forms depending on the circumstances for the condition. For example, if there are balance issues it could be as simple as an ear infection. In extreme cases, a spinal injury may require surgery to fix the issue.
- Urinary Tract Infection TreatmentWhen blood in pet urine is caused by a dog UTI, there are certain home remedies that are effective for an immediate response until the dog can be seen by its veterinarian. For instance, parsley leaf can act as an effective diuretic, or uva ursi leaf can be given for its natural astringent properties. Juniper berry also works well for urinary tract infections in dogs. It is important, however, that these remedies be used as short-term measures, and that the animal is seen by a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible.
- Arthritis TreatmentOsteoarthritis, the damage from normal wear and tear that occurs with aging, can affect all types of animals.
- Hip Dysplasia TreatmentLarge breeds frequently experience hip dysplasia, in which the cartilage that supports the hip joint is unable to hold the bones in position.
- Diabetes Treatment
- Epilepsy Treatment
- Heart Disease TreatmentOur Diamond Bar veterinarian may be able to determine the underlying cause of seizures in your pet. Diagnosis starts with a comprehensive evaluation that includes a physical examination, laboratory tests and sometimes an electrocardiogram (EKG) to rule out problems with your pet’s heart, kidneys, liver, electrolytes and blood sugar.
- Kidney Disease Treatment
- Cancer Treatment
- Seizure TreatmentSometimes an animal will exhibit certain behavioral changes, such as pacing, circling, shaking, salivating, vomiting or yowling, shortly before the seizure. Animal specialists refer to this behavior before a seizure as an aura or pre-ictal behavior. After the seizure, your pet may display post-ictal behavior. Your furry friend may be disoriented, have temporary paralysis in one or more legs, have vision problems, vomit, or exhibit other behavioral changes. Post-ictal behaviors are usually temporary; your pet should return to normal within a few days.
- Wound and Fracture CareThe clinic's services revolve around animal emergency situations. So what counts as a pet emergency? The emergency clinic usually treats cases of excessive bleeding, animal bite wounds, heatstroke, dehydration, and toxic ingestion. If your pet gets injured in an auto accident, our team cares for their injured condition.
- Poisoning TreatmentKeeping your pet healthy requires measures to prevent poisoning. Since certain plants and foods are dangerous to your pets, you want to understand the signs of dog poisoning or cat poisoning. At the East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic, we help your pets when they need treatment after eating a poisonous plant or food item.
- Veterinary SurgeryDo you need reliable pet orthopedics in Diamond Bar, CA? Welcome to East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic, a reputable veterinary hospital for pet surgery and comprehensive pet services. Our team is friendly, well-trained, and fully equipped to offer exemplary services to your pet. Visit our clinic or contact us today at (909) 861-5737 for assistance.
- Spaying and NeuteringAt East Valley Emergency Pet Clinic, one of the most important things we recommend for keeping your pet safe is to spay and neuter them, especially in the first year. Spaying and neutering is a simple procedure that can be done in your veterinarian's office, with a recovery time of just a few days. Spaying and neutering is the simple act of preventing unwanted litters, but it has a wide range of positive results, both for your pet as well as for your community.
- Laboratory ServicesThe great thing about our emergency veterinary hospital is that we have modern technology that detects problems in your beloved pet. We have radiography, ultrasound, surgery rooms, an on-site laboratory, and pharmacy. Our veterinarians can provide an accurate assessment of your animal's condition and start treatment right away.
- X-Ray