- Divorce
- Child SupportChild support is for the benefit of the child and is based upon child support guidelines set forth by law. Child support calculations take into consideration each party’s income as well as health insurance and daycare expenses for the child. An individual’s personal expenses are generally not taken into consideration.
- Child Custody and Visitation
- Paternity
- Spousal SupportWe also represent individuals concerning post-decree modification issues, including modification of parental responsibility, living arrangements for the child, parenting time, child support, child out of state removal issues and spousal maintenance. If you are owed back child support or maintenance from your former spouse, we represent you in collecting that back child support or maintenance.
- Legal Separation
- Criminal DefenseThe Law Office of Mark Brandes specializes in: Family Law and Criminal Defense. Whether it be representing individuals going through a divorce, working toward a child’s best interest, protecting your financial future or representing individuals charged with crimes, the Law Office of Mark Brandes is here to help individuals work through these emotional, difficult and trying situations.
- Traffic Violations
- Sex Crimes
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsIn the Criminal Defense arena we provide complete representation addressing law enforcement investigations, petty and traffic offenses and misdemeanors and felony charges.
- Drug Crimes
- Assault
- Murder
- Homicide
- Forgery
- Manslaughter