- Residential Pest ControlAdams Exterminating Company is one of the DFW area's premier pest control companies. We've been in the commercial and residential pest control business for over 75 years. In that time, we've built up a company with a stellar reputation and spotless record of customer service and satisfaction. We service most of the DFW area, with locations in Denton and Lewisville, meaning you have the option to choose the location that's right for you.
- Commercial Pest ControlCommercial pest control services are necessary for many reasons. First and foremost, commercial pest control doesn’t scare the customers away. No one likes to see bugs scatter across the floor or invade the desk at which they sit. You want to create an environment that is welcoming and ready for business. The presence of pests makes that difficult to achieve. You don’t want a negative online review to tell you about a pest control problem.
- Pest Identification
- AntsThough they are small ants, odorous house ants can give off a very big odor. Known for the rotting coconut-like smell they emit when crushed, these nuisance ants are found throughout North Texas infesting homes, businesses, and other buildings.
- SpidersJumping spiders are unique in that they are active during the day and thrive in the sunlight. During the daylight hours, jumping spiders have excellent eyesight and can see movement up to 18 inches away. This ability makes them very successful predators.
- TermitesSubterranean termites cause considerable damage to structures here in Texas, and ultimately contribute to the billions of dollars in termite damage throughout the United States every year. These wood-destroying insects eat wood, fiberboard, and paper – including your roof rafters, walls, foundations, eaves, and crawl spaces. They can build colonies inside your structure and even your furniture. Unfortunately, you may have termites in your home or business inflicting significant damage and not even know it! Be proactive and prevent termite damage and costly repairs bills with Adams Exterminating and our proactive termite control solutions for Lewisville, Frisco, Denton, and North Texas. Our termite treatment and long-term termite protection plans will keep your home safe and secure.
- Bed BugsWhile not dangerous, they can certainly cause damage and be a major source of irritation. They feed on and create holes in personal items like clothing, blankets, and furniture that are made from animal products (wool, feathers, and fur). Also, the larvae, attracted by the oils found in human hair, will crawl across people as they sleep in order to feed on their hair. Some people may develop a skin reaction from coming into contact with the bristle-covered larvae. This itchy rash that is left behind can understandably cause many people to confuse a carpet beetle infestation with a bed bug infestation. Adult carpet beetles are not dangerous to people but do contaminate food sources, which is both gross and can cost money to replace.
- FleasVery common parasitic insects, fleas are annoying and their bites are uncomfortable for both people and pets. There are many different types of fleas found in the U.S., but the cat flea is one of the most common and problematic for both pet owners and those without pets.
- CockroachesCockroaches are a hardy bunch and the American roach is no exception. The largest species of house-invading cockroaches, these pests have been plaguing people since the beginning of time.
- Silverfish
- BeesBees: Bees are vital pollinators identified by their fuzzy bodies, often striped yellow and black. They create beeswax hives, often seen hanging from trees or nestled in wall cavities. While generally non-aggressive, they can become hostile if their hives are disturbed.
- WaspsWasps: Unlike bees, wasps have shiny, smooth bodies, typically thin and elongated. There are many species of wasps with varying colors from all black to bright yellow and black patterns. They are known to build intricate paper-like nests and can become aggressive when threatened.
- TicksNocturnal hunters, scorpions often avoid detection. In spite of their ability to stay out of sight, these pests are common in the North Texas area. In fact, most Texans know to shake out their shoes before putting them on in case a scorpion crawled in overnight. A close relative of ticks and spiders, scorpions are not insects but rather arachnids.
- CricketsCrickets are a mainly nocturnal species of insect that are distantly related to grasshoppers. They live successfully in a wide variety of habitats; and when found living outside, they are considered to be a beneficial species. They are omnivores and their diet includes feeding on a variety of nuisance insects, weeds, and decaying plant materials
- EarwigsThere’s an old myth associated with earwigs. It goes something like this: while people are sleeping, these bugs will crawl into their ears in order to burrow into their brains and lay eggs. Completely false, earwigs are simply nuisance pests that show up uninvited.
- MosquitoesMosquitoes are found living and breeding all across the country, in fact there have been over 150 species of mosquitoes identified in the U.S.; one of the most common species of mosquito is the Asian tiger mosquito. The female mosquito feeds on the blood of people and animals in order to get the required protein she needs to develop her eggs; in the process she can transmit serious diseases and cause red itchy welts on her victims. Mosquitoes are a pest that can swarm in large numbers and make people who are trying to enjoy the outdoors move back inside to get away from their seemingly relentless bites.
- FliesThe blow fly or “bottle fly†is a very common species of fly and is found living all over the world. There are approximately 80 species of blow flies living in North America. Blow flies are usually the first species of insect to come into contact with carrion. Blow fly females lay their eggs on deceased animals, which their larvae use as a food source.
- CentipedesCentipedes have a misleading name. Rather than 100 legs as their name suggests, these arthropods have anywhere from 15 to over 100 pairs of legs. Looking like something straight out of a low budget scary movie, centipedes are actually harmless pests.
- MillipedesGenerally speaking, millipedes have worm-like bodies that are black or brown in color. Some may have mottled patterns and some may have bright orange or red markings. All have several pairs of legs.
- BeetlesCarpet beetles are a destructive pest that has the ability to damage clothing, carpets, and stored fabrics inside your home. There are many species found living across the United States, some of the more common species include the varied carpet beetle, the common carpet beetle, and the furniture carpet beetle. Carpet beetles can be found living in many different places including homes, warehouses, and museums. In fact, they have been known to cause considerable damage to taxidermy mounts that are stored in museums.
- ScorpionsIn North Texas, the most common scorpion species is the striped bark scorpion. Yellowish to tan in color, this type of scorpion has two markings resembling broad stripes on its upper abdomen. These stripes appear black in color but may be faint. Scorpions have two eyes in the middle of their heads, four pairs of legs, a large pair of front pincers, and an elongated arched tail with a stinger at the tip.
- HornetsHornets: Hornets are larger than most wasps, and their color can range from black and white to brownish-red. They build large paper nests that can house thousands of hornets. Hornets are generally less aggressive than wasps but can become fierce defenders if their nest is threatened.
- MothsFrom wing tip to wing tip adult Indian meal moths grow to about 5/8th of an inch in length; their body is about ¾ of an inch in length. Their unique looking wings have a dark band that separates the front of the wing from the back of the wing. The front half of the wing is yellowish-gray in color, while the back half is bronze, copper, or dark gray in color. Their larvae grow to be about 1/2 of an inch and can be off-white, brown, greenish, or pinkish in color; their head and thorax are a more yellowish-brown color.
- Stink Bugs
- Pantry PestsIndian meal moths are a common type of pantry pest; this means that they are typically found invading and feeding on dry goods found in kitchen and pantry areas. These pests are attracted to light and can be found throughout the entire world living anywhere that food is being stored.
- Stinging InsectsStinging insects, even though they may look intimidating, actually play important roles in nature. They help with pollination, decomposition, and provide food for other animals, adding to the diversity of our environment. However, when bugs start invading your personal space and property, they become more annoying pests than helpful creatures.
- MitesEarwigs aren’t super picky and will feed on a wide variety of both living and dead things. Earwigs eat insects, mites, leaves, flowers, berries and soft fruits, and mold.
- AphidsRover ants like to feed on tree sap, plant nectars, honeydew (not melons but the liquid aphids and some scale insects secrete), and other sweet liquids. Inside, they will feed on crumbs that they come across including juices and other sweet-tasting liquids they find on counters and floors.
- GnatsFungus gnats are a short-lived (3-10 days) species of fly. They are very fragile and can easily be squished. The females lay their eggs in very moist soil or soil that has been overwatered. After the larvae hatch from their eggs they begin to feed on the fungus that is found in the humid, wet soil.
- RaccoonsOften, fleas become an issue either because you have a pet that has become infested with them or you have a nuisance wildlife problem on or near your property. Raccoons, opossums, stray cats, and even rodents all carry fleas onto your property, and in some cases, inside your home. You or your children may also pick fleas up while spending time outdoors or in environments where fleas are present, and with their ability to jump, fleas can enter a structure right through the front door. It is important to note that flea infestations can and do occur in homes where there are no pets.
- Wildlife
- Opossums
- Birds
- RodentsNorth Texas is home to many types of insects, rodents, and other pests. Learn more about the more common pests Adams Exterminating receives calls about and find out how our team of professionals can help you get rid of your pest problem!
- MiceThe most common Texas mouse found in your home is the house mouse. As an adult, this mouse is fairly small, growing to between 5 1/2 and 7 inches in length, including its long tail. House mice have small, beady eyes and both their ears and their tails are covered in a light layer of velvet-like fur. The fur on their body ranges in color from grayish-brown to dark gray; their belly is usually covered in tan or off-white colored fur.
- RatsThere are two common types of rats in Texas: The Norway rat and the roof rat. The adult Norway rat’s “heavy†body grows to between 7 and 9 1⠄2 inches in length; the tail adds another 6 to 8 inches to their total body length. Norway rats have a rounded blunt nose, protruding black eyes, small ears, and a bi-colored tail. Their scruffy fur is brown and peppered with black hairs; the fur on their belly is lighter in color, usually gray or white.
- Squirrels