- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Family PracticeSports medicine is not a medical specialty in itself. Most sports medicine doctors are certified in internal medicine, emergency medicine, family medicine, orthopedics, or another specialty and then acquire additional training with a 2-year fellowship in sports medicine to be certified as a sport medicine specialist.
- Internal Medicine
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeCarpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common condition that affects the hand and wrist. It occurs when the Median Nerve in the wrist is compressed. Nerves carry messages between our brains, spinal cord, and body parts. The Median Nerve carries signals for sensation and muscle movement. When the Median Nerve is compressed or entrapped, it cannot function properly.
- Depression
- Mental HealthPsychological evaluation and therapy: Psychological counselling such as behavioral therapy improves your mental health and manages conditions such as stress and depression which can aggravate chronic pain. It is important to be physically as well as emotionally stable to manage chronic pain.
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- UltrasoundYour doctor will first draw about 10 cc’s of blood from the large vein in your elbow. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge machine for about 10 to 15 minutes to separate the platelets from the remaining blood components. The injured part of your body is then anesthetized with a local anesthetic. The platelet-rich portion of your blood is then injected into your affected area. In some cases, your doctor may use ultrasound guidance for proper needle placement.
- MRITo diagnose the problem, your doctor will review your medical history and details of the accident along with performing a thorough physical examination to check for tenderness, inflammation, pain, range of motion, and weight-bearing ability. Further, imaging tests such as X-rays, CT and MRI scans will be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
- X-Rays
- Computed Tomography
- General SurgeryAfter completing his internship in general surgery at the North Shore University Hospital of Cornell University, Dr. Meadows performed his orthopedic residency training at the Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, where he served as chief resident for his final year of training. He then received fellowship training in hand and upper extremity surgery at the Hand Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, which is renowned for its pioneering efforts in tendon surgery and techniques of hand rehabilitation.
- OrthopedicsSouth Palm Orthopedics is a group practice located in Delray Beach, FL offering specialized care for a wide range of orthopedic bone and joint conditions. Currently, South Palm Orthopedics specializes in treating problems of the hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, hand & wrist, foot & ankle as well as sports-related injuries.
- ArthroscopyArthroscopic surgery, also known as arthroscopy, is a surgical procedure to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint using a specialized instrument known as an arthroscope.
- Minimally Invasive SurgeryArthroscopy: This is a minimally invasive surgery where a flexible fiberoptic tube with a high-intensity light and camera attached at the end, called an arthroscope, is used to view the affected joint and guide miniature instruments to remove fragments of torn ligament, bone, or cartilage from within the joint.
- Ankle Surgery
- Joint ReplacementPRP is a relatively new method of treatment for several orthopedic conditions such as muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries; arthritis; and fractures. PRP injections can help alleviate painful symptoms, promote healing and delay joint replacement surgeries.
- Arthritis SurgeryAlthough the elbows are not weight-bearing joints, they are considered to be most important for the functioning of the upper limbs. Hence, even minor trauma or disease affecting the elbow may cause pain and limit the movements of the upper limbs. Arthritis is one of the common disease conditions affecting the elbow joint.
- Hand SurgeryWide-awake hand surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia only, without the use of sedation or general anesthesia, usually in a clinic setting.
- Orthopedic Surgery"I am in the unique position to see how advances in orthopedic surgery can help change the course of a person’s life. I’ve performed a tremendous amount of minimally invasive hip fracture surgeries and am committed to staying in the forefront of treating complex fractures and fractures that don’t heal."
- Bunions
- ArthroscopyArthroscopy: This is a minimally invasive procedure in which your doctor will insert a long thin flexible tube (arthroscope) with a camera at one end and other instruments through tiny incisions over the joint. This will help your doctor view the inside of your joint and treat damaged ligaments, tendons or cartilage.
- Hip ReplacementAre you concerned that undergoing hip replacement might disrupt your summer plans and limit your swimwear choices? No need to worry – the bikini incision hip replacement has got you and your surgical scar covered.
- Knee ReplacementI had Knee replacement surgery in May 2023. I am a 76 year old female and was concerned about what would happen after the surgery. Dr B asked me what my expectations were and I hadd the answer ready. "I want to play pickleball again, I wanted to be able to bowl again and I wanted play tennis again". Happily after 3 months I was on the courts and the lanes. Dr Buchalter did a fantastic job and honestly so did 1st PT was tough and relentless but a big neccesity. Highly recommend Dr Buchalter, And for those who find themselves waiting past their appointment time to be seen remember it could be you he is spending time with while others wait.
- Knee ArthroscopyArthroscopic surgery can be performed on any joint. Shoulder and knee arthroscopy are the most common arthroscopic procedures conducted for repairing meniscus and cartilage problems and fixing rotator cuff tears respectively. Some of the common types of arthroscopic surgery include...
- Cyst
- Burns
- Sports MedicineSports Medicine, also known as sports and exercise medicine (SEM), is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and prevention of sports and exercise-related injuries and improving fitness and performance. The main objective of sports medicine is to help individuals engage in sports and exercise in a safe and effective manner to accomplish their training goals.
- Physical TherapyPhysical therapy (PT) is an exercise program that helps you improve movement, relieve pain, encourage blood flow for faster healing, and restore your physical function and fitness level. The main goal of physical therapy is to make your daily activities such as walking, getting in and out of bed, or climbing stairs easier. It can be prescribed as an individual treatment program or combined with other treatments. Physical therapy is usually ordered to help you recover after certain surgeries, injuries and long-term health problems such as arthritis.
- Occupational Therapy
- Tennis ElbowTennis Elbow is a condition that results in deterioration of the tendon fibers that attach to the bone at the outside of the elbow. Tendons are strong fibers that attach muscles to bone. They are tissues that do not stretch easily and are susceptible to degeneration under repeated or traumatic stress.
- Shoulder Pain
- Flatfoot Correction
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Manual Therapy
- Ankle SprainThe key to preventing many types of athletic injuries is a combination of warm-ups, conditioning, and close attention to technique. Athletes and sports enthusiasts live active lifestyles and push their bodies to the limit, which can lead to foot and ankle injuries.
- Bunions ProblemsBunions are a common foot deformity, especially in females. They most frequently result from wearing shoes that are too small and or have a high heel. Abnormal pressure from poor fitting shoes causes the bones in the big toe and foot to move out of position.
- Diabetic Foot Care
- HammertoesClaw toe most frequently develops in older women. It causes the joint at the base of the toe to bend upward and the other joints on the toe to bend downward in the shape of a claw. Claw toe may be related to underlying medical conditions or caused from wearing poor fitting shoes.
- Foot NeuromaMorton’s Neuroma is a painful foot condition. It occurs when a nerve near the toes becomes compressed and inflamed. If diagnosed early, most cases of Morton’s Neuroma can be treated without surgery.
- Plantar FasciitisPlantar fasciitis is a painful foot condition. It occurs when connective tissue at the bottom of the foot, called the plantar fascia, is irritated and inflamed. The condition commonly occurs among people who spend a lot of time on their feet.
- Podiatric SurgeryPreparing for foot surgery might have you wondering when you can drive again. Having to put your life on hold following surgery can be challenging.