- ArthritisCervical Spine Disorders and Displacement, Neck and Back Pain, Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Radiculopathy (Primary), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Selected Shoulder Conditions, Spinal Stenosis of the Lumbar Region, Selected Sprains (Rotator Cuff, Cruciate Ligament and Ankle), and Thoracic, Thoracolumbar and Lumbosacral Intervertebral Disc Disorders
- Pediatric Care
- Bronchitis
- Pregnancy
- Prostate CancerPrior to joining NationalRad in 2007, Dr. Rich served as an attending radiologist and clinical educator in the musculoskeletal radiology department at Stanford University Medical Center. She maintained her ties with Stanford University Medical Center through 2010, holding a musculoskeletal radiology visiting clinical faculty position. While at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, California, Dr. Rich performed MR research in the laboratory of Dr. Hedvig Hriack, M.D., Ph.D., and co-authored a publication on localized prostate cancer in the peer-reviewed journal
- NeurologyAcademic-level, fellowship-trained, subspecialty, diagnostic radiologists to orthopaedic and neurology practices around the country back in the 1990s, and we continue to lead in our field today. If you're a physician, surgeon, specialist, generalist, fellow radiologist, practice administrator, radiologic technologist, lawyer, insurance company or patient in need of primary interpretations, over-reads, an expert opinion or a second opinion, please contact us to discuss how our radiologists can help.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Multiple SclerosisEntitled CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING, the abstract states: “Advancements in diffusion-weighted imaging during the past decade have led to the use of diffusion tensor imaging to further characterize the structural integrity of neural tissue and to noninvasively trace neuronal tracts in the brain and spine. This has led to many clinical applications that have aided in surgical planning for brain and spinal cord tumors and has increased the diagnostic potential of magnetic resonance imaging in disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer disease, and traumatic brain injury.”
- UltrasoundThe injection is typically performed under local anesthetic using x-ray or ultrasound to guide a needle into the joint. You may feel a slight burning sensation when the local anesthetic agent is injected. This will pass quickly. During injection of the contrast medium, you may feel a sensation of pain or pressure, which is typical for this type of procedure. Discomfort or soreness may last for 24 hours after the injection.
- MRIMRI safety incidents are on the rise. There are many reasons why, including an increase in image-guided MRI and interventional MRI, stronger field strengths, emergent / trauma MRI, and reimbursement reductions that impact staffing decisions.
- RadiologyPAUL M. SHERMAN, MD, NationalRad Neuroradiologist, Associate Professor of Radiology at the F. Edward Herbert School of Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and Assistant Director of Medical Education and Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Director at the San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC) received two outstanding recognitions recently.
- X-Rays
- Nuclear MedicineWe take great pride in the quality of our physicians and our ability to make nationally and internationally recognized, fellowship-trained, subspecialty, diagnostic radiologists and specialists available to physicians and patients nationwide. Our team has grown from three radiologists in 1999 to 17 esteemed musculoskeletal, neuro and body radiologists and nuclear medicine specialists today. As we continue to develop and mature as a group, we still focus on what matters most to our customers and patients: diagnostic excellence and accuracy.
- Computed TomographyCT scanning is a diagnostic procedure that uses special x-ray equipment and computers to produce cross-sectional images of the internal body parts being examined. These pictures show internal organs, bones, soft tissues and blood vessels with great clarity and detail. CT scans provide information that may help your radiologist and your physician diagnose and treat your medical condition.
- ChemotherapyHistory pancreatic cancer. Status post aortic chemotherapy and Whipple procedure on DATE. Chronic low back pain. Abdominal pain. Follow-up examination. Download Report
- Radiation TherapyThe weeklong celebration calls attention to the important role medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals play in patient care and health care safety. We celebrate and thank all of the radiologic technologists with whom we work for all you do. Have a terrific week!
- Interventional Radiology
- General Surgery
- OrthopedicsThe Road to 10's ORTHOPEDICS REFERENCES section provides common orthopaedic codes, a primer for clinical documentation, clinical scenarios, and training and education resources.
- Arthroscopy, Hancock CR, Ceballos CE & Herrera MF. 2010. Acetabular labral tears and cartilage lesions of the hip: Indirect MRI arthrographic correlation with arthroscopy. A preliminary study.
- Joint ReplacementMRI studies with MARS (MARS studies) are a type of MRI used to scan a body part that has a metal implant, such as a joint replacement or a spinal rod. Metal implants can cause distortion of the magnetic field used in MRI, thereby impairing the image quality obtained by the MRI. MARS studies reduce the size and intensity of magnetic field distortion caused by a metal implant and give your radiologist a better picture of your body part being examined.
- NeurosurgeryDiffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an neuroimaging MRI technique that makes visualization of location, orientation, and anistropy of the brain’s white matter tracts possible. A publication on DTI by NationalRad neuroradiologist MONIQUE A. MOGENSEN, MD, along with colleagues from the Department of Radiology - Neuroradiology Division at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, CA, appeared recently in the July-August 2014 publication of World Neurosurgery.
- ArthroscopyProblem Solving in Musculoskeletal Radiology and Presentation, Imaging and Treatment of Common Musculoskeletal Conditions: MRI-Arthroscopy Correlation, has written numerous book chapters and has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and abstracts. Dr. Sanders also serves as manuscript reviewer for several organizations and publications, including the esteemed
- Cyst
- LesionsMRI of Instability Excluding SLAP Lesions | Current Imaging of the Shoulder: Rotator Cuff and Glenohumeral Joint Instability including Normal Variants, Pitfalls, Controversies, and Postoperative Challenges
- Sports MedicineDELEE & DREZ'S ORTHOPAEDIC SPORTS MEDICINE, 4TH EDITION has been released. In late May, the latest edition of the 2-volume text was published featuring revised, streamlined and reorganized content.
- Shoulder Pain
- Back Pain
- Diabetic Foot Care