- Divorce
- Child SupportChapter 7 bankruptcy is designed to be a simple and useful form of bankruptcy. Basically, Chapter 7 allows you to "pick" and "choose" which assets and debts to keep ("reaffirm), like vehicles / car payments or a home with a mortgage, and which debts to eliminate ("discharge") like credit card debt, medical bills and so forth. Some debts, however, are not dischargeable in bankruptcy (like recent tax debts, or child support, and most student loans), and some people are not good candidates for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if they have too much income or have too much equity in the assets they need to keep. Those people can generally find relief, while protecting their assets, under Chapter 13 instead of Chapter 7.
- Spousal Support
- Wrongful Death
- Personal Injury
- Auto Accidents
- BankruptcyAt Brian R. Cahn & Associates, LLC in Dalton, Dallas, Calhoun & Cartersville, GA our service is to you, not your creditors. For over 20 years, we've helped clients obtain relief from debt by using protections afforded under bankruptcy law, and our bankruptcy attorney understands how to effectively help those with financial difficulties. Please learn more about debt relief options below.
- ForeclosureMortgages are usually useful tools that help people move into their dream home. But they also cause problems when times are tough and you start falling behind on payments. If you're being threatened with foreclosure, turn to Brian R. Cahn & Associates, LLC. Our foreclosure defense attorney serves clients in Dalton, Dallas, Calhoun and Cartersville, GA and can help you fight for your home.
- Tax LawMaybe you were audited and found to have underpaid your taxes. Maybe you didn't file your tax return. No matter the reason for your IRS harassment, call on Brian R. Cahn & Associates, LLC when you need tax debt relief services. Our tax attorney understands tax law inside and out and can help you discharge your debt, negotiate settlements or apply for bankruptcy to put an end to your tax debt.