- Primary CareYou will need to go through your Primary Care Provider (PCP) to receive an out-of-network authorization to our office. If your doctor’s office requires assistance in getting this authorization for you, please have them call our office.
- OphthalmologyWm. Randall (Randy) Trawnik BCO, FASO came to the ocularist profession following his own eye loss at age 17. After graduating from the University of Texas at Arlington, he trained with noted pioneer ocularist John H. O’Donnell. He completed his U. S. Government sponsored training program in 1975 and received his Master of Ophthalmic Prosthetics from the American Society of Ocularists (ASO) in 1978 and Fellowship in 1984. Mr. Trawnik has been an active member of the ASO serving as faculty lecturer, Education Committee Co-Chair, Vice President and President. In 1995, Mr. Trawnik was the A. D. Ruedemann Award Lecturer for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Acclaimed nationally and internationally for his outstanding work in the field of ophthalmic prosthetics, Mr. Trawnik is also well known for his pioneering work in the field of prosthetic management of congenital anophthalmos and microphthalmos. In addition to his private practice M. Trawnik has done Medical Mission work in Central America with LEAP and HELPS. Mr. Trawnik also serves as Associate Clinical Instructor for the Department of Ophthalmology at UTSW Medical School and is a sought after lecturer for numerous medical associations.