- Divorce
- Child SupportFamily Law is a multi-faceted area of law that deals with family relations. Family law encompasses such areas as child custody and visitation, children’s rights, child support, spousal support (alimony), separation agreements, divorce, marital property division, cohabitation agreements, pre-nuptial agreements, marriage and other legal issues pertinent to the family.
- Child Custody and Visitation
- AdoptionAdoption law is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a person or persons other than the birth mother or father. An adoption order has the effect of severing the parental responsibilities and rights of the birth parents and transferring those responsibilities and rights to the adoptive parents. After the finalization of an adoption, there is no legal difference between adopted children and those born to the parents. There are several kinds of adoption, which can be defined both by effect (ie, open or closed) and by whether the child was born in the U.S. or abroad.
- Spousal Support
- Criminal DefenseWhile much has changed over the years, the small-town friendliness, sensitivity to client’s legal needs and commitment to the community remains. At what is now Alfonso Hersch P.A., our attorneys work together to offer sound legal advice in the areas of adoption, family law, personal injury, bankruptcy, real property, administrative, probate, and civil and criminal law.
- MisdemeanorsThe behavior of citizens in the United States is governed by both state and federal laws. Crimes are generally categorized as felonies or misdemeanors based upon their nature and the maximum punishment that can be imposed. Florida state criminal laws subdivide felonies into classes with varying degrees of punishment. A criminal law attorney helps to defend persons and entities under investigation or accused of a crime.
- Business DisputesCivil law is the branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals and/or organizations, in which compensation may be awarded to the victim. Civil law courts provide a forum for deciding disputes involving torts (such as accidents, negligence, and libel), contract disputes, the probate of wills, trusts, property disputes, administrative law, commercial law, and any other private matters that involve private parties and organizations including government departments. The objectives are to right a wrong, honor an agreement, or settle a dispute.
- Personal InjuryPersonal injury falls under three general categories of tort law, including intentional torts, negligent torts, and strict liability torts. Personal injury involves civil law cases where one is trying to obtain compensation for a physical or emotional injury. If there is any failure on the defendant’s part to exercise reasonable care to prevent injury or damage then there may be comparative (or contributory) negligence, where both parties are at some degree of fault. Someone who wins a personal injury case may receive money to compensate for medical costs, lost wages and lost future earnings as well as possibly for pain and suffering and punitive damages.
- Wills
- ProbateThe legal process of transferring property upon a person’s death is covered under probate law. Although probate customs and laws have changed over time, the purpose has remained much the same: people formalize their intentions as to the transfer of their property at the time of their death (typically in a will), their property is collected, certain debts are paid from the estate, and the property is distributed. The probate process may be contested or uncontested.
- BankruptcyBankruptcy law provides a legal method that offers several ways for an individual or commercial enterprise to wipe out debts. One is by liquidating assets and distributing them among creditors or resolve them by developing a court-approved reorganization plan involving the repayment of creditors over time. The primary purposes of bankruptcy laws are to relieve honest individual and commercial enterprise debtors from indebtedness by filing Chapter 7, 11, or 13, depending upon the needs and preferences of the clients.