- Acupuncture for 3 years i was living with inflammation of the sacrum and the pain on my lower back was insane, left shoulder pain, inflammation on the back of my head skull, lots of pain on my jaws, inflammation on my gums, and sinuses problem i was sleeping 3 or for hours every night. i was living a miserable live. i have seen doctors, quiropractic, yoga acupuncture and others who said i will cure you from any health issues but nothing happened i was hopeless. honestly i was sketchy about going to so cal quiropractic and now i am so glad i did thank you to Dr ACE my life changed a lot in just two weeks of treatment. now i am pain free.and my memory start to comeback my acid reflux minimized to 15% from 100% my sacrum pain is gone. i simply can't believe it. it is amazing. DR ACE is the only DR i can thrust i give DR ACE 100 stars thank you very very much dr ace appreciated if you are in pain give it a try you will be surprised with the results thank you.
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