- Wrongful DeathIn 2015, JR settled wrongful death cases on behalf of the estates of a married couple who were riding a motorcycle when an 85-year-old man, driving in the opposite lanes of travel, fell asleep at the wheel of his car and veered across a wide grassy median on a divided highway, striking their motorcycle. The case settled for the available $1.5 million in liability coverage, plus a personal payment of $25,000 from the other driver’s personal assets.
- MurderIn 2008, JR participated as trial counsel in a case against the Franklin County, Ohio, Sheriff’s Office for its failure to properly respond to the repeated 911 calls for emergency help from a woman who was being physically and sexually assaulted, resulting in her murder, and the jury awarded a $2.75 million judgment. JR received the 2008 Louisville Slugger Award from the Central Ohio Association for Justice for his work on this case.
- Workers Compensation
- Personal InjuryThe Baker Law Group utilizes technology to the fullest extent to minimize outdated, time-consuming methods within the legal industry. Creating an efficient office environment allows regular communication with our clients and additional time to focus on preparing the strongest possible case against our adversaries.
- Medical Malpractice