- Classic Cornucopia$52.95dazzling sunflowers, light orange roses and spray roses, red daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, magnolia leaves, cinnamon sticks and wheat are perfectly arranged in a wicker cornucopia. now you know why cornucopia translates to "horn of plenty."
- Sugar Maples$29.99orange spray roses, yellow viking spray chrysanthemums, bronze cushion spray chrysanthemums, green button spray chrysanthemums, red hypericum, seeded eucalyptus, fall leaves and salal are arranged in a terra-cotta pot.
- Golden Days Basket$42.95sunny sunflowers and asiatic lilies, red roses, gold and burgundy chrysanthemums, solidaster, brown copper beech and salal are splendidly arranged in a wicker basket. send it and you'll be golden, too.
- Harvest Happiness Centerpiece$34.95fall's rainbow of rich hues are on display with three different varieties of chrysanthemums in shades ranging from burgundy and bronze to sunny yellow. copper colored beech is a great accent. so, go ahead, harvest a whole bunch of happiness and share it with those you love.
- Teleflora's Autumn Grace$35.95red roses, asiatic lilies, matsumoto asters and hypericum; purple daisy spray chrysanthemums and seafoam statice are delivered in a plum glass teleflora cube vase.
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