- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Emergency CareEffective Jan. 1, 2020, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) requires referring clinicians to consult appropriate use criteria (AUC) prior to ordering advanced diagnostic imaging services (CT, MR, Nuclear Medicine and PET) for Medicare outpatients — including those performed in the emergency department (ED). Calendar Year 2020 is an educational and operations testing period for the AUC program. Although there are no payment consequences during the 2020 calendar year, CMS encourages all stakeholders to learn, test, and prepare for the program.
- CataractsHigh dosages of oral corticosteroids taken daily for prolonged periods of time can have serious systemic side effects including bone loss ( osteoporosis), increased risk of infections and diabetes and cataracts, thinning of skin, stretch marks, increased facial/body hair growth, acne, fluid retention, weight gain with redistribution of fat (fat deposits on back and face, thinning of limbs), muscle weakness, decreased resistance to infections, stomach ulcers, mood swings, insomnia, suppression of the body’s own production of cortisol, etc.Many of the side effects go away within a few months after discontinuing the steroids. Some side effects, such as stretch marks, osteoporosis and cataracts (cataracts are fortunately a rare side effect) do not go away on their own.
- Pregnancy
- Lung CancerThe Ultrafast CT Scan Screening of the Lungs is a non-invasive CT scan that can detect abnormalities and lung cancer in its earlier, more curable stages using a new technique called helical low-dose CT scanning. The screening is far more accurate in finding lung tumors than a chest x-ray, the traditional diagnostic tool, and can find lung cancers at a much smaller size.
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- UltrasoundUltrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves and their echoes to create visual images of internal anatomical structures. Similar to echolocation used by bats, dolphins, and whales, ultrasound sends sound waves into the body and receives information about internal structures based on the intensity and frequency of returned vibrations.
- MRIMRI uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within the body.
- RadiologyAdvanced Radiology is a leading provider of diagnostic imaging services in Mid-Missouri. Our staff of Board-Certified Radiologists are dedicated to providing patients with the highest quality care.
- X-Rays
- Nuclear Medicine
- Computed TomographyA computerized tomography (CT) scan combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around your body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside your body. CT scan images provide more-detailed information than plain X-rays do.
- Interventional RadiologyA Medical Doctor with special training in Interventional Radiology will perform the procedure using sterile technique, with x-ray guidance.
- SciaticaA selective nerve root block is an injection at the level of the symptomatis nerve (outside the epidural space) as it exits the spinal column. Selective nerve root blocks are used both for diagnostic purposes (to determine if a specific nerve root is the source of the problem) and to relieve radicular pain caused by irritation of a specific nerve root.If a specific nerve is actually the cause of pain the local anesthetic in the injection will give immediate relief. The steroids in the injection will reduce inflammation over the next few days and possibly provide relief of pain that lasts for weeks to months. Herniated disk in the lumbar spine causing low back pain with leg pain (sciatica) is a common condition treated by a selective nerve root block.
- Acne Treatment
- Physical TherapyOnce the nerves which carry pain sensation from the painful joint are destroyed you should be free of the back pain you are experiencing. Pain relief may last over a period of approximately 9 months to 2 years or more. Time, physical therapy and increased muscle strength around this joint may make this joint less painful over the following 6 months so that if or when the nerves do regenerate you will not experience the same intensity of pain as prior to the procedure. If you have a recurrence of pain this procedure can be repeated.
- Back Pain