- GlaucomaThe Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT is an essential tool for non-invasive analysis of retinal tissue for diagnosis and management of retinal disease and glaucoma. The HD-OCT allows us to visualize cross-sectional, anterior segment and three-dimensional (3-D) views of the retina and optic nerve. We are now able to visualize the layers of the retina in order to better diagnose a large number of retinal conditions such as macular degeneration, macular edema and macular holes. This test is especially important for elderly patients, diabetics and patients on high-risk medications. The information provided by the HD-OCT results in earlier detection of retinal disorders and therefore earlier treatment and better outcomes for our patients. We are also able to measure and follow the nerve fiber layer in glaucoma suspects and glaucoma patients. Thinning of the nerve fiber layer is an indication of glaucoma. The HD-OCT allows for earlier detection of glaucoma which enables earlier onset of treatment and prevents vision loss. The procedure is painless and is usually performed with an un-dilated pupil.
- Macular Degeneration
- Laser Eye SurgeryZeiss I.Profiler™ is an innovative measuring device that analyzes the human eye with acute accuracy, in order to provide detailed information of the imaging properties of the eye, in particular higher- order aberrations. Carl Zeiss has already high competence in this measuring method. It is currently used today in refractive corneal surgery (LASIK) or in the production of intraocular lenses. Carl Zeiss Vision has now further developed this technology to provide a revolutionary method of optical calculation for application with eyeglass lenses.
- Cataracts
- Eye ExamOur new patient appointments always begin with a comprehensive eye exam. If you are unsure of your family’s eye health history, it’s helpful to research beforehand, so we can better evaluate your own eye health. Visit our online patient center to download supplemental forms you can fill out before your appointment. If you have never had a comprehensive exam, don’t worry! All the tests and exercises are simple and painless.
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