- Divorce
- Child Custody and VisitationFamily matters often present issues unique to immigrants, such as international adoptions and divorces; the role of Sharia and/or Nikinamas in US divorces, annulments, support, international child custody and abductions under the Hague Convention and otherwise; and domestic violence and its effect on immigration status.
- Adoption
- Annulment
- Criminal DefensePerhaps the area most significantly affected by immigration is criminal defense. Frequently, permanent residents and undocumented aliens, who are charged with relatively small criminal offenses, find themselves being deported because their criminal defense lawyers were not aware of the immigration consequences of the plea bargains made.
- Business FormationFor example, as immigrants are often entrepreneurial, forming and operating businesses in large numbers, C&A provides legal services in such immigration-related areas as business formation, contracts and international transactions, pre- and post-immigration asset protection, and patents, copyrights and trademarks.
- Citizenship and Naturalization
- Personal InjuryMoreover, often immigrants working in the USA who are injured at work or in a motor vehicle accident, are too afraid to file a worker’s compensation or personal injury claim due to their immigration status. Such individuals need not give up their rights. Rather they need competent legal representation from lawyers who are not only knowledgeable in Worker’s Compensation and Personal Injury law, but also well-versed in U.S. Immigration Law.
- Auto Accidents