- Limited Liability CompaniesOhio recently modernized its laws governing limited liability companies through the Revised Limited Liability Company Act. The revised regulations apply to all Ohio limited liability companies, regardless of when organized, making it crucial for Ohio LLCs to understand the changes and their potential impact. Frantz Ward attorney Michael Gibbons joins the podcast to highlight the key changes and the impact those can have on LLCs in Ohio.
- Premises LiabilityUnderstanding Premises Liability in the COVID world. Frantz Ward Partner Pat Haggerty provides insights on protecting your business from potential liability for claims from people supposedly contracting COVID while on your property. We will discuss the types of claims you may face and the preventive strategies that will minimize your risks.
- Real Estate TransactionsThe residential real estate market in Cleveland continues to boom, with home price values increasing by more than 10-20% in northeast Ohio over the past few years So Shoveling Smoke thought this would be a good time to review the nuts and bolts of the residential real estate transaction and to identify the possible pitfalls that come with buying in a hot market. To cover those topics, we invited Frantz Ward partner Mark Rodio to give us some valuable insight on these issues from both a buyer and seller perspective. Mark will also give us some commentary on how the COVID pandemic is impacting how residential real estate deals are getting done.
- Estate PlanningWill my family be taken care of when I am no longer around? Who will take care of me if I become incapacitated? Although these are questions we often don’t like to consider, the Covid-19 pandemic woke many people up to the need to have an estate plan in place. Frantz Ward attorney Rick Humiston joins the podcast to discuss the basic elements of Estate Planning as well as some additional planning suggestions for business owners.
- Tax LawA new presidential administration and a shift in control of the Senate means changes in the legal landscape as well. In Part 3 of our series on the anticipated changes due to the new look in Washington, Frantz Ward Partner Matt Kadish provides a civics lesson and explains why it's particularly hard to read the tea leaves on tax issues this year. But he has some predictions on what changes we are likely to see, when they'll occur, and the variables that will affect the outcome.