- ArthritisArthritis is the most common group of ailments of the hand. Thankfully, the treatment of arthritis has improved tremendously over the last few years, particularly for rheumatoid arthritis. As a hand surgeon, I am familiar with and offer many non-surgical treatments steroid injections, splinting, and occupational therapy. Nevertheless, there are many cases where surgery for arthritis is helpful and necessary. Examples include simple surgeries for ganglions, trigger fingers or tendonitis (all of these are aspects of arthritis) and more complex surgery for thumb, finger and wrist arthritis. I have advanced fellowship training in hand surgery and microsurgery (Subspecialty Certificate in Surgery of the Hand (formerly CAQ Hand) administered by the American Board of Plastic Surgery ) and 15 years of experience in the practice of hand surgery.
- Medical Weight LossThe road to significant weight loss is long and difficult. Those who have made it are often left with significant excess tissue, some fat and usually a lot of skin. This redundant skin can be a source of chronic irritation with even normal activity, discomfort, interference with exercise regimens, rashes and difficulty with clothing. Frequently, the last remaining stigma of one’s obesity is the excess skin.
- Emergency CareOur practice is perfectly designed to address all aspects of hand and upper extremity trauma, from simple lacerations to major limb amputations. Simple injuries such as cuts, sprains, small bone fractures can be seen in the office setting. We receive patients with significant hand trauma at MetroHealth Medical Center (MHMC) a Level I trauma center. Often serious upper extremity injuries require a multidisciplinary approach and this is where we excel. Available on a 24 hour basis is the support of the Level I trauma Emergency Department, Plastic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Trauma Surgery Specialists, the Burn Unit, and Interventional Radiology just to name a few. Once the acute phase of treatment is completed we have some of the best rehabilitation specialists to help restore as much function as possible. These services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors, and psychologic support when needed.
- GynecologyOur practice is currently in the process of the developing a team to perform the “bottom” surgeries which will require collaboration between multiple departments such as gynecology, urology, plastic surgery and others. Cosmetic procedures we currently perform include breast augmentatio n, liposuction, rhinoplasty, facial bone construction, cheek implants, brow lift, lip augmentation, chin recontouring, jaw recontouring, and eyelid surgery.
- Pregnancy
- Labor and DeliveryWomen who are bothered by the excessive length of the labia and desired to have it shortened may be sparkling candidates for labiaplasty. Some women may have longer or hanging vaginal lips due to natural construction, while some others may develop this condition following childbirth or due to aging. If fat reduction is necessary in the vaginal area, a liposuction procedure may be performed in conjunction with labiaplasty.
- Urology
- Depression
- MRICongenital hand defects is a broad category of hand abnormalities with which children are born. They range from skin tags to simple webbed fingers to complex bone abnormalities and absent digits or limbs. Most of these deformities interfere with hand function and it is important to address many of them before the most formative years of development. The surgeries to correct the problems vary depending on the defect, but most of them are outpatient procedures that are done under general anesthesia. My training in Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Microsurgery and Hand Surgery (Subspecialty Certificate in Surgery of the Hand (formerly CAQ Hand) at the University of Pittsburgh plus 15 years of experience in practice places me in a most qualified position. Evaluation entails a detailed examination, often plain X-rays, and rarely more sophisticated studies such as MRI, angiography or nerve studies.
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- Interventional Radiology
- General SurgeryTummy tucks are one of my favorite surgeries to perform. The results are generally excellent, the risks low, and both the patient and myself are frequently very satisfied. Having trained initially in general surgery, I am
- Ear Surgery
- Hand SurgeryHand surgery is a broad field for which plastic surgery is perfectly suited. In general, my plastic surgery training included techniques in handling tissues, nerves and bone. Specifically, I have advanced fellowship training in hand surgery and microsurgery (CAQSH – Certificate of Added Qualifications in Surgery of the Hand). And with the 15 years of experience in practice I am uniquely suited to treat the simplest to most complex hand and upper extremity cases. I work closely with my orthopedic colleagues when necessary and we have some of the best occupational hand therapy, rehabilitation and physical medicine support in the region.
- Orthopedic SurgeryAdvanced limb reconstruction is a specialty of ours. Surgeries we offer range from repairs of simple lacerations to arm replantation after amputation. Some of the advanced techniques in which I have significant experience and training include microsurgical reconstructions (replantations, free flap tissue transfer, toe to hand transfers, nerve repairs), soft tissue flap reconstructions, burn reconstructions, bone grafting and treatment of complicated infections. Some of the most challenging advanced reconstructions occur after major injury or disease and involve multiple tissue types such as skin, tendon, bone and joint. Our surgical and support teams have the most experience in the region with these types of reconstructions and are often able to restore a functional limb even in the most dire circumstances. We work closely with excellent consulting services such as orthopedic surgery, infectious disease, pain management and physical medicine and rehabilitation services, including occupational and physical therapy. We are a Level I Trauma center and are prepared to handle the most critically ill patients. We have the support of a full service burn unit.
- HysterectomyFinally, another aspect to consider is having your abdominoplasty at the time of another surgery, most often hysterectomy. This is a safe option that will decrease operative time, cost, recovery time and discomfort. I often operate in conjunction with Dr. Robert Pollard in these situations and highly recommend him for your gynecologic needs. You can find information about Dr. Pollard atwww.clevelandhysterectomy.com.
- Reconstructive SurgeryOf course prevention is the best option to avoid skin cancers and recommendations can be found at the American Cancer Society. However, once diagnosed, surgery is usually the treatment of choice. The surgeries I and my collegues have expertise in range from simple removal (excision) to very large excisions requiring grafting and/or reconstructive surgery. We also offer state of the art sentinel lymph node biopsy which is a technique used to determine if the cancer has spread but is minimally invasive. We have extensive experience with all types of skin cancers, and particular interest in the treatment of melanoma and some of the more severe forms of non-melanoma cancers such as Merkel cell carcinoma, skin adnexal tumors and sarcomas. I am proud to work closely with nationally and internationally distinguished experts in the field of surgical oncology and dermatopathology.
- BotoxSometimes dermal fillers can be used in conjunction with Botox® for excellent results. I can assess your needs at the time of a consultation and recommend one or a combination of treatments to achieve your desired results.
- Brow LiftA forehead lift, also termed a brow lift, is an integral part of facial rejuvenation. Lifting the brow can improve wrinkles in the forehead, relieve that “tired look” that comes with aging, and brighten the eyes. Many people state that they not only look better but feel better too. The majority of cases require that we address the underlying structure of the face which supports the soft tissues. This involves surgical approaches that require extensive understanding and experience with the anatomy of the face, the muscles and nerves. I am fortunate to have over 15 years of facial cosmetic surgery as well as extensive experience with facial reconstructions and microsurgery around the nerves of the face. We offer open and endoscopic (minimally invasive) techniques.
- Eyelid SurgeryEyelid surgery can be covered by insurance in some cases. In others it is considered a cosmetic surgery. More information about the financial arrangements for cosmetic surgery can be found on the Consultation Page.
- LiposuctionSome patients have considerable excess skin and need a lift only. This involves removing of a wide strip of skin from the upper buttock/lower back region and elevation of the lax skin from below. Other people tend to have loose skin and little buttock volume giving them a rather flat appearance. In this instance the buttock lift includes removal of the excess skin AND repositioning of the gluteal tissue to provide more fullness where it is needed. Still other patients have the need for a decrease in the volume of the buttock which can be addressed with liposuction and / or direct skin and fat excision. Finally, there is a subset of patients who suffer from good skin quality and tone but need more volume. In this case, fat grafting alone can provide the solution and is performed by taking fat with liposuction from another area of the body and injecting it into the buttock region.
- Breast AugmentationBreast augmentation (often referred to as breast enlargement, boob job, breast enhancement) is relatively simple from a surgical standpoint and one that can restore or create a more youthful and natural appearance. You are likely to look AND feel better about yourself. The incisions are usually small and inconspicuous and the risks acceptable. The science of breast implants has been studied exhaustively over the last two decades and the safety of implants confirmed. Today, there are many good choices for implant materials, shapes and sizes and this is a great time to have this procedure.
- Breast ReductionBreast reduction is one of the most common plastic surgeries we perform. It is also a procedure that yields extremely high patient satisfaction. The primary goal of breast reduction surgery is to relieve symptoms associated with large, heavy and pendulous breasts. These symptoms often include neck, shoulder and back pain, shoulder grooving, and rashes beneath the breasts. The secondary goals, of course, include a more shapely breast, a lifted breast and correction of nipple changes that occur with large size and age.
- Breast LiftA breast lift procedure can correct the appearance of your breasts whether your current breast shape is due to the effects of pregnancies, weight gain & loss, or simply due to aging. Unfortunately, there is simply no non-surgical alternative to a mastopexy.
- RhinoplastyCosmetic surgery of the nose is a powerful, exacting surgery that can produce subtle improvements or dramatic changes. The appearance of the nose is the result of a delicate balance of skin, cartilage, and bone. With over 15 years of experience with facial cosmetic surgery, including rhinoplasty, I have a thorough understanding of the anatomy and the relationships between the anatomic components. At your first consultation, we will discuss your goals and desires and I will take photographs. I enlarge these pictures to life size and use them to identify key anatomic landmarks which I in turn use to identify “normal” facial angles and distances. At our second consultation, we will review these workups together and plan our surgical approach. The surgery itself is performed as an outpatient and recovery is usually complete within two weeks including resolution of most of the bruising. Not all patients need internal splints ( sometimes called nasal packing ) but most will have a hard external splint for a week.
- Breast ReconstructionBreast reconstruction is the creation or restoration of a breast usually after mastectomy. The reconstruction can be performed at the time of the mastectomy (immediate) or anytime after the mastectomy (delayed). Breast reconstruction utilizes one or more of several techniques. These include implant based reconstructions, implant and some tissue rearrangement (flap surgery), or a reconstruction using only the patient’s own tissues (autologous reconstruction). I have extensive experience with each of these, in addition to having additonal traning and 15 years of experience with advanced techniques such as the use of acellular dermal matrix, free flap microsurgical reconstruction and more recently perforator flap reconstructions (DIEP flap).
- Plastic SurgeryIt is my pleasure to offer a refreshing approach to Plastic Surgery. I practice in an academic setting, yet still, embrace the doctor-patient relationship and spend the time and effort needed to foster that relationship.
- Thigh LiftCosmetic surgery of the thigh is an important part of lower body rejuvenation. The surgery, which ranges from fairly minor to quite extensive, can provide improvement in the shape and contour of the thighs. There are procedures for both the inner thighs and outer thigh and hip regions. The most common reason patients undergo surgery is to remove excess skin and smooth out unsightly contours. The procedure is often combined with other procedures including abdominoplasty, belt lipectomy, and buttock lift (gluteoplasty) which can result in a dramatic change. The best candidates for surgery are those with excess skin and are often those patients who have lost considerable weight by diet, exercise, or after bariatric surgery. A true thigh lift, medial (inner thigh) or lateral (outer thigh), may involve considerably long incisions and the resultant scars. This is the trade-off many people are willing to make for improved contour. Recovery time can be relatively short or several weeks depending on the extent of the procedure. Often there is a need for post operative drain tubes and usually I recommend compression garments as well.
- Face LiftA facelift is considered a cosmetic surgery. More information about the financial arrangements for cosmetic surgery can be found on the Consultation Page.
- Neck LiftA facelift, also termed a rhytidectomy, is actually a number of procedures that might include any or all of the following: facelift, neck lift, brow lift, and even fat grafting. The majority of cases require that we address the underlying structure of the face which supports the soft tissues. This involves surgical approaches that require extensive understanding and experience with the anatomy of the face, the muscles and nerves. I am fortunate to have over 15 years of facial cosmetic surgery as well as extensive experience with facial reconstructions and microsurgery around the nerves of the face.
- BlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty, surgery to rejuvenate the eyelids and general eye area, includes a wide array of procedures. These surgeries range from removing excess skin to removing or repositioning excess fat to adjusting the muscles of the eyelid to achieve a more youthful appearance or address asymmetry. These procedures require an exacting approach and my experience in general facial reconstruction, including major eyelid reconstructions, provides me with the foundation to safely and successfully treat most conditions.
- AbdominoplastyAbdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a procedure that addresses the loose skin, excess fat, and lax muscles that affect many individuals. Often diet and exercise alone will not restore your abdomen to its optimal appearance. The failure to achieve your desired goal is often the result of pregnancy, aging, prior surgery, ones particular genetic makeup and weight gain/loss. In fact, those people who are fortunate enough to have lost a considerable amount of weight may experience the unintended consequence of EXTRA skin. If you have achieved your best possible weight, do not smoke, do not plan any further pregnancies, are otherwise in good health and STILL have a loose or bulging abdomen, you are a great candidate for a tummy tuck.
- Nose Surgery
- Body LiftThe buttock and thighs are different anatomic areas but they have a very close and interactive relationship. Some patients may wish to address only the buttock area while others will need to correct changes in the buttocks and thighs, particularly the lateral or outside areas of the thighs. This is often done at the time of the buttock lift through the same incisions but provides a significant correction to the contour and shape of the hip and lateral thigh area. Some surgeons might also refer to this portion of the case as a “lower body lift.” It is often very helpful for those patients who have undergone massive weight loss.
- Breast SurgeryNo matter the reason for seeking breast surgery, Dr. Kaufman is well-trained and certified in breast surgery and offers the following procedures...
- OtoplastyProminent ears is a common condition and represents a mild deformity that is along the spectrum of congenital ear deformities, ranging from very mild prominence to complete absence of the ear. One’s appearance with prominent ears can lead to considerable social difficulties, particularly in children starting around the age of 6 or 7. There are several reasons that the ear can protrude more than desired. A detailed physical examination can identify the problem and then we can make a surgical plan. The procedure, termed “Otoplasty” involves an incision on the back of the ear where it is mostly hidden from sight. Through this approach we can shape and mold the cartilage to achieve the desired results. The procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure, usually under general anesthesia. Recovery is often complete within a week or two. The results should be permanent.
- Scar RevisionAs a plastic surgeon, I hear every week, “I need surgery, but I don’t want scars.” Unfortunately, the reality is that any wound will leave a permanent scar. Modern medicine has not yet found a way to achieve “scar-less” healing, although there are methods to create acceptable results.
- Lip AugmentationLip augmentation is considered a cosmetic surgery. More information about the financial arrangements for cosmetic surgery can be found on the Consultation Page.
- Body ContouringBody Contouring surgery can help you achieve the figure that you’ve worked to attain: well defined muscles, better tone, and a trimmer overall appearance. You will look and feel better from the inside out, feel more confident, and your clothes will flatter your new figure.
- GynecomastiaGynecomastia is an abnormal enlargement of one or both breasts in men and is very common. It often occurs during puberty and fortunately often subsides spontaneously within a year. Gynecomastia also is common among elderly men, particularly when there is associated weight gain. It may be caused by hormonal imbalance which is often due to medication or other disease processes. The more serious causes of gynecomastia include tumors and all patients with gynecomastia should have a complete medical evaluation before considering surgery on the breast. Once all non-surgically correctable causes have been ruled out or treated, then the patient may be appropriate for surgical correction. The initial surgical workup includes a detailed physical examination which can distinguish between true gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissue) and pseudogynecomastia (breast enlargement due to fat accumulation). If it is pubertal, watchful waiting is in order, since in most patients the condition will resolve spontaneously. Surgery is indicated to relieve marked pain and tenderness, severe embarrassment or emotional disturbance.
- Cosmetic SurgeryLabiaplasty, which is popularly known as vaginal rejuvenation, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to make the vagina tighter and firmer. The surgery is performed on the labia, which may include inner vaginal lips or labia minor, or outer vaginal lips, or labia major, or both.
- Dermabrasion
- Facial Implants
- Bariatric Surgery
- Forehead LiftA forehead lift is considered a cosmetic surgery. More information about the financial arrangements for cosmetic surgery can be found on the Consultation Page.
- Skin CancerThe skin is actually an organ and, in fact, the largest organ of the body. A few of its many functions are as a barrier to infections, a regulator of temperature, a controller of our fluid loss or retention and as sensory organ. Unfortunately, skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and accounts for nearly half of all cancers in the United States.
- Chemical PeelsFor those who are not yet ready to make the commitment to surgical cosmetic enhancements, there are several non-surgical, temporary options available. Perhaps you have a reunion or important event on the horizon and even though you’ve thought about cosmetic surgery, the cost is prohibitive or there isn’t enough time to allow for a full-recovery. You can still achieve excellent results with the help of chemical peels, fillers and treatments that will reduce lines, erase sun damage, making you look and feel younger and more energetic.
- Rashes
- Skin CareAs we age many of our facial features lose volume. The combination of volume loss and skin laxity changes the appearance of the lips so that they appear thin with surrounding fine wrinkles. Correction of this volume deficit results in a subtle but very impressive improvement. Furthermore, the lips need not look very large to achieve the benefits. It is this subtle correction is what I strive to offer. There are several options for lip enhancement and we can discuss which might be the best one for you. These include surgical options, non-surgical options, dermal fillers, fat grafting, skin care and laser treatment.
- Burns
- Physical TherapyI am proud to work with excellent, experienced surgical oncologists with whom I perform immediate reconstructions. Our excellent Administrative and Advanced Practice Nursing staff are there to help you manage the process through the reconstruction and afterwards. Finally, I work with the best support services including Physical Therapy, Social Work, Support Groups, and post mastectomy prosthetic specialists to help with your fitting needs during and after reconstruction.
- Occupational Therapy