- Chiropractic AdjustmentsA chiropractor for lower back issues can evaluate you and determine what treatment options you have. Specific chiropractic adjustments can help improve spinal function. By restoring the way your spine works, discs and soft tissues may heal, nerve involvement may be reduced, the hurt can ease and better stability can return. Treatment options vary with each individual.
- Spinal AdjustmentsOnce we determine the source of your problems, we will take the steps necessary to resolve them. Our chiropractic care is one of the tactics we utilize in addressing an autoimmune disease. A chiropractor uses their expertise to target inflammation through regular spinal adjustments. Reducing and eliminating this inflammation allows your cells the time to heal themselves, repair any affected systems and adapt by countering any further attacks.
- SubluxationWhen the upper part of your brainstem, the mesencephalon, over-fires or becomes hyperactive, it causes blood vessels in the head to contract and later expand. This is what causes migraines along with related symptoms, such as back pain and neck pain. But what causes the brainstem to over-fire? Problems ranging from the misaligned vertebra (subluxations) causing neurological weakness, metabolic and autoimmune issues such as Celiac Disease and non-Celiac gluten sensitivities to hidden infections and metal/chemical toxicity could be the reasons. With our neurological and functional assessment, we can pinpoint the cause of your pain and correct it, so you can have your quality life back and feel like your best self again.
- Manipulation TherapyA 67% reduction in crying: A randomized controlled trial, published in the October 1999 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, tracked a small group of 50 infants. Half received the drug dimethicone and the other half spinal manipulation. At the conclusion of the two-week study, the babies being adjusted saw a 67% reduction in crying, and the drug therapy group saw a 38% reduction.
- Pediatric ChiropracticSo, let’s get you the info that really matters; how to help your child when they are suffering from ear infections. Even better, how to help your child not suffer from them at all. Here is a quick synopsis of what causes them, why antibiotics are ineffective and what we strongly feel should be the first line of defense and care for kids with ear infections: Pediatric chiropractic functional care.
- Chiropractic Injury Treatment
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